I would like to thank the Firemasters of all the Scottish Brigades for giving me copies of Annual Reports and other publications which have given me a lot of information. Serving and retired members of brigades for letting me read memorabilia they have and for telling me their reminisces and showing me round stations and taking the time to talk to me.
I would like to thank also those people working in libraries and newspapers for their help in locating articles and books past and present.
I would also thank The Fire Brigade Society and Firetrack 2000 for vehicle locations, historical and present.

And finally the following people:-

Alex Imrie
Alistair McDonald    Scottish Secretary Fire Brigade Society
Alistair Stibbles
Andy Anderson -
Andy Fenton
Archie McKinnon
Bob Mudie Ex-Station Officer Lanarkshire Fire Brigade
Charlie McGratten    DO Strathclyde Fire Brigade
Dave Gormley  (NFS information)
David McKenzie
David Mitchell
Davie Cruikshank
Donald McColl (grandson of Glasgow firemaster John McColl)
Frank Morrison    Ff Motherwell
Grant Melville
Jimmy Slater    deceased, Scottish Secretary Fire Brigade Society
Jim Fallon        Retired Station Officer Strathclyde Fire Brigade
John Fenton
Ken Reid  M.B.E.
Kenny Brown
Leslie Couperwhite    Liberian, Watt Library, GREENOCK.
Nicky O'Hara
Paul Miller






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