His Majesty’s Fire Service Inspectorate for Scotland


The Inspectorate was formed 1948 as a result of the Fire Services Act, 1947.

In January 2008 the Minister for Fire and Community Safety, Fergus Ewing announced that the Inspectorate would be replaced by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Advisory Unit.

From 2008 to 2010 the title of Chief Inspector was changed to Chief Advisor but the legislation was not changed and Brian Fraser was still technically employed as Chief Inspector, for the same period the Inspectorate was referred to as the Advisory Unit.

Sometime between 2008 and 2013 the badge was changed from the thistle in the circle to the standard Scottish badge of an eight pointed star with the flames surrounded by water and two thistles growing in a wheat field inside the double rings which are representative of unbroken service and loyalty.


Her Majesty’s Chief Inspectors of Fire Services for Scotland


1948 to 1966 Angus D. Wilson was there 1951, 1965.

April 1967 to 21/3/1968

James D. McNicol O.B.E.

Ex Glasgow Fire Service
1968 to 1978 John Jackson OBE MIFireE Ex Firemaster Angus Area Fire Brigade
 1979 to 1983 Paddy Watters QFSM Ex Chief Newcastle Fire Brigade
1984 to 1989 Richard Knowleton CBE QFSM Ex Firemaster Strathclyde Fire Brigade
1989 to 1993 Alex. Winton CBE QFSM MIFireE Ex Firemaster Tayside Fire Brigade

1993 to April 1999

Neil Morrison CBE QFSM


May 1999 to 2003

Dennis Davis OBE, OStJ, QFSM, CEng, CIMgt, FIFireE (Life), MinstE.

1/3/2004 to 30/11/2007 Jeff Ord CBE QFSM OStJ GIFireE Ex Firemaster Strathclyde Fire Brigade
30/11/2007 to Jan 2008 Keith MacGillivray MBE Assistant Firemaster Strathclyde on secondment

 Chief Advisor

January 2008 to 12/12/2008

Keith MacGillivray MBE

Interim until post is filled permanently

12/12/2008 to 2010 Brian Fraser QFSM Ex Chief Fire Officer South Wales Fire & Rescue Service

Her Majesty’s Chief Inspectors of Fire Services for Scotland

2010 to 2016 Steven Torrie CBE QFSM Ex CFO Central Scotland Fire and Rescue Service
2017 to 31/5/2018 Martyn Emberson QFSM Ex CFO of Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service
7/6/2018 to 2021 Simon Gerald Routh-Jones CBE QFSM Ex CFO Wiltshire Fire and Rescue then Assistant Inspector HMFSI 2016
April 2021 Robert D Scott QFSM, FIFireE (from 8/9/2022 His Majesty's Chief Inspector) Ex Assistant Chief Officer Scottish Fire and Rescue Service



1948 to 1951

St Andrew's House EDINBURGH 1

1952 to 1957 18 Rothesay Terrace EDINBURGH 3
1958 to 1968 12/13 Carlton Terrace EDINBURGH 7
1969 to ? Stock Exchange House, 4 North St. David Street EDINBURGH EH2 1AS

Here 1999

Saughton House, EDINBURGH. EH1 1LN.

2007? to now St Andrew's House EDINBURGH EH1 3DG.




HM Chief Inspector of Fire Services
HM Inspector of Fire Services
Senior Assistant Inspector of Fire Services
Assistant Inspector of Fire Services
Assistant Inspector of Fire Services (Crown Inspection)
Assistant Inspector of Fire Services (Crown Inspection)


HM Chief Inspector of Fire Services
4 Assistant Inspectors of Fire Services
Inspection Support Manager
2 Corporate Administration Staff
2 Seconded Personnel




1) Perform Inspections

Type of Inspection

A comprehensive and detailed inspection held with each brigade every 3 years.
Performance Monitoring
For the other 2 years the progress of specific issues raised at the Principle Inspection are reviewed.
An Inspection which has a specific theme, e.g. fire-raising.

2) Fire Safety Legislation in Crown Buildings




Fire Services Act, 1947

Inspectors of Fire Brigades

Section 24.

(1) For the purpose of obtaining information as to the manner in which fire authorities are performing their functions under this Act and as to technical matters relating to those functions, inspectors may be appointed by His Majesty, and the Secretary of State may appoint assistant inspectors and other officers.
(2) The Secretary of State may pay to persons appointed under this section such remuneration as he may with the approval of the Treasury determine.

In July 2001 the satellite office in Glasgow was closed.




The Secretary of State is to recommend to Her Majesty the Queen that Mr Dennis Davis (52), currently Chief Fire Officer with Cheshire Fire Authority, should be appointed HM Chief Inspector of Fire Services for Scotland in succession to Mr Neil Morrison who will retire from the post in April this year.  Mr Davis OBE, OstJ, QFSM, C Eng, CIMgt, FFireE, MInstE will take up appointment in May.
He was born in Walsall and educated at Queen Mary's Grammar School, Walsall. He became a Firefighter at the age of 18 with Walsall County Borough Council where he progressed to Sub-Officer level. He joined Cheshire Fire Brigade as a Station Officer in 1971 and moved through the ranks to become Deputy Chief Officer in 1983. He has held his current appointment as Chief Fire Officer with Cheshire Fire Authority since 1986.
Mr Davis is a past President of the Institution of Fire Engineers and current Management Committee Chairman. He has also served as President of CACFOA (The Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers' Association). He is married with two sons.

1. The Chief Inspector of Fire Services for Scotland holds a Royal Warrant from Her Majesty the Queen under the Fire Services Act 1947.
2. The appointment is for three years with the possibility of extension by mutual agreement.
3. The Chief Inspector is directly accountable to the Secretary of State for Scotland (in due course this will be to the Scottish Executive) and is his senior professional adviser on fire matters, presenting an annual report to the Secretary of State, which is presented to Parliament and published. He leads HM Inspectorate of Fire Services, the central task of which is to carry out inspections of fire brigades in Scotland as well as providing expert assistance in the development of policy and in the preparation of legislation. The Inspectorate also plays a key part in the promotion of common standards throughout brigades and in the formulation of advice to fire authorities through the machinery of the Central Fire Brigades Advisory Councils. The Chief Inspector is responsible for ensuring that the resources made available to the Inspectorate are used in the most efficient and cost effective manner.
4. The post is full-time and the salary is about £80,000. HM Inspectorate of Fire Services is based in Saughton House, Edinburgh.

News Release: 0303/99
11 February 1999

Fire Chief to Chief Inspector

The First Minster is to recommend to Her Majesty the Queen that Mr Jeff Ord, currently Firemaster with Strathclyde Fire Brigade, should be appointed HM Chief Inspector of Fire Services for Scotland.
Mr Ord OstJ QFSM GIFireE will take up appointment in March 2004  in succession to Mr Dennis Davis, who will be leaving the post at the end of this year.
Born in Sunderland, Mr Ord joined the Fire Service at the age of 18, serving in Tyne and Wear Fire Brigade before moving to the Fire Service College teaching in leadership and management skills.
He was then promoted to Assistant Chief Fire Office in Kent Fire Brigade before becoming Chief Fire Officer of Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service, where the County Council also appointed him as a Director of the Council.
He then became Chief Fire Officer of South Yorkshire Metropolitan Fire and Rescue Service before taking up his current appointment at Strathclyde in May 1999.
Mr Ord is President of the UK Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers' Association and Vice President of the National Fire Services Benevolent Fund. He was awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University of Glasgow in 2002.
He is married to Beryl with a son, Christopher.
The Chief Inspector of Fire Services for Scotland holds a Royal Warrant from Her Majesty the Queen under the Fire Services Act 1947.
The appointment is for three years with the possibility of extension by mutual agreement.
HM Inspectorate of Fire Services is based in St Andrew's House, Edinburgh. The Chief Inspector is directly accountable to Scottish Ministers and is their senior professional adviser on fire matters, presenting an annual report to Ministers, which is presented to the Scottish Parliament and published.
He leads HM Inspectorate of Fire Services, the central task of which is to carry out inspections of fire brigades in Scotland as well as providing expert assistance in the development of policy and in the preparation of legislation.
The Inspectorate also plays a key part in the promotion of common standards throughout brigades and in the formulation of advice to fire authorities.
The Chief Inspector is responsible for ensuring that the resources made available to the Inspectorate are used in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

On the death of Queen Elizabeth II on the 8th of  September 2022, The Prince of Wales became King Charles III and subsequently The Inspectorate's name was changed to His Majesty's Fire Service Inspectorate in Scotland (HMFSI).

12/6/2010    In the Queen's Birthday Honours List Advisor, Retained Duty System, Jim Smith was awarded the Queen's Fire Service Medal.


If you know of any mistakes in this or have any additional information please let me know.


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