The new station. Kames Industrial Estate behind the Coastguard.      100_4852           30/3/2006


The new station. Kames Industrial Estate behind the Coastguard.      100_4853           30/3/2006

The new station. Kames Industrial Estate behind the Coastguard.      100_5251           31/5/2006

The new station. Kames Industrial Estate behind the Coastguard.      100_5377           20/6/2006

The new station. Kames Industrial Estate behind the Coastguard.      100_5436            14/8/2006

The new station. Kames Industrial Estate behind the Coastguard.      100_6072           4/12//2006

The new station. Kames Industrial Estate behind the Coastguard.      100_6210              9/4/2007

The new station. Community section              100_6195                                                  9/4/2007

The new station. Rear.                                      100_6200                                              9/4/2007

The new station. From the road.                         100_6207                                          9/4/2007

The new station drill tower          100_6203                 9/4/2007