The Antecedent Services all had different vehicles for Water Rescue Units, 4x4 Pick-Ups/Transit Vans/ in Strathclyde Mercedes dedicated WRU vehicles and in Dumfries and Galloway full size appliances, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are standardising these on Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4 vehicles with bodywork by Carmichael who re-branded on 29/1/2018 to CSS (Carmichael Support Services). The Mercedes are classed as Level 2 Water Rescue Units or Swift Water Rescue Units and tow a Rigid Inflatable Boat.

At Polmadie they are a Level 3 WRU station and have in addition to the Level 2 Mercedes WRU a dedicated 4x4 Pick-Up used to transfer a  dedicated crew consisting of of a Crew Commander and two Firefighters to the Glasgow Nautical Collage pontoon where there is a boat, St Mungo 1, in the water and a Pioner 7 Boat also in the water. When the budget cuts were implemented on 4/9/2023 the boats at the Glasgow Nautical College were changed to jump crewing and there was no longer a dedicated crew for them. The Level 2 response Mercedes is Jump crewed by the first appliance as it has 5 of a crew.
The St Mungo boats now just say FIRE on them don't know when the St Mungo names were were taken off them 13/5/2023.

At Knightswood their Level 3 response is Jump crewed and their boat, St Mungo 2, is moored at the pontoon at the west side of the Riverside Museum.

Scottish Fire and Rescue cover Water Rescues from the Weir at Glasgow Green down to the Erskine Bridge where rescues are then carried out by the Helensburgh Lifeboat.

Dumfries and Galloway used full sized 18 Ton Scania appliances with a box containing an inflatable boat and other equipment in place of the 135 ladder. They were known as Fire and Flood Rescue Tenders. These have now been converted to standard Rescue Pumps.

The 20 water rescue units supplied to the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service have been allocated to key fire stations throughout Scotland. These specialist rescue vehicles are based on the Mercedes Benz Sprinter 516 Cdi 4×4 free issue panel van. The bespoke design laid out to the customers specific requirements features two segregated areas. Immediately behind the cab their is an enclosed area with an open bulkhead with additional seating for 3 crew with sliding door access and innovative stowage solutions for technical/water rescue to the rear.

The Water Rescue procurement is complete and awaiting contract award. Orders are expected to be placed in the coming months for twenty full packages, which includes boats, trailers and outboards.
(SFRS Board Minutes 17/12/2020. Capital Monitoring Report. 3.4.4)

In the budget cuts 4/9/2023 the dedicated crew for the Fire Boat at the Glasgow Nautical College was removed and this boat is still crewed by Polmadie but it is now jump crewed.



SM06DLU Ford Transit LWB/FFRS Glenrothes
SF07LFB Mercedes Sprinter 315 CDi/Cebotec Ayr/NTC Cambuslang
EU09AAF Ford Ranger 4x4 Polmadie Level 3/Kerrera Volunteer Unit as VSU
SF59CYU Scania P270.Emergency One (FFRT) Annan/Rescue Pump at Stranraer
SF10GVU Scania P270.Emergency One (FFRT) Newton Stewart/Rescue Pump at Newton Stewart
SN60EKO Ford Transit 4x4 Stirling/Rope Rescue Unit at Lochgelly
ST60SLZ Ford Transit Kingsway East
SF61LJZ Toyota Hi-Lux/Truckman Polmadie Level 3/Salen Volunteer Unit as VSU/Seil as VSU
SJ12UWV Mercedes Sprinter 4x4/Wilker Motherwell
SJ12UWW Mercedes Sprinter 4x4/Wilker Knightswood
SJ12UWX Mercedes Sprinter 4x4/Wilker Ayr
ST12WPD Ford Ranger 4x4 Kingsway East
SJ13DTY Mercedes Sprinter 4x4/Wilker Clydesmill
SJ13DTZ Mercedes Sprinter 4x4/Wilker Polmadie
EX64WXM Ford Ranger 4x4 Aberdeen Driver Training/Aberdeen Central (Temp)/ Portree Multi Role Vehicle
SF64CJE Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/Carmichael Bathgate
SF64CJJ Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/Carmichael Dumfries
SV15MSX Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/Carmichael Perth
SV15MSY Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/Carmichael Hawick
SW65KSJ Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/Carmichael Newton Stewart
SW65KSK Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/Carmichael Oban
EX16LZL Ford Ranger 2.2 4x4 Polmadie Level 3/Disposal
SV16KDJ Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/Carmichael Elgin
SV66HFM Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/Carmichael Fort William
SV66HFN Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/Carmichael Glenrothes
SV67NMO Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/CSS Inverness
SV67NMU Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/CSS Kingsway East
SV67NMX Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/CSS Aberdeen Central
SV67NMY Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/CSS Marionville
SV67NMZ Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/CSS Galashiels
SK68ABO Mercedes Sprinter 516Cdi 4x4/CSS Stirling
EA24NLX Ford Ranger Polmadie Level 3

Photos of Water Rescue Units

Antecedent Strathclyde Fire Brigade Water Rescue Unit Page.