2 Pump Retained.



? to 1981                   The Square
20/1/1981                  Constitution Street, INVERURIE.                Photo


1978 Sub Officer James Thom

Aug 1978 to 27/8/1990

Station Officer James Gerrard

1991 to 30/11/2003

Station Officer H. J. Craig

6/4/2004 Station Officer Graeme Duncan
? to Watch Commander Kev Galashan (there 24/6/2023)



BAV94 Bedford O/A C Cars PE
BAV607 Bedford HrT
GLW473 Austin K2/Home Office HrT
1952? HSA333 Commer QX/Miles WrT
1956 NAV575 Dennis F8/Dennis P
NAV577 Karrier Gamecock/Carmichael WrT
BSA673B Dennis F36/Dennis WrT


Received 1 Water Tender


Received 1 Ford D1317/Angloco (LSO471W)





Prime |Mover












2001 Y536RRS L746KRS  
2008 Y536RRS L746KRS P91ERS
2015 May SV12AZB SV12AZC  
2020 Oct SV64AEO SV64AEU  



Ford D1013/HCB Angus



Ford D1617/Angloco



Dodge G13c/Mountain Range



Dodge G13c/Mountain Range



Scania 93M-210/Emergency One



Scania 93M-210/Emergency One


P91ERS Scania 94D-220/Multi Lift PM
Y536RRS Scania 94D-220/Emergency One WrL
SV06AFE Scania 230/Emergency One  (CP31 10 man cab) WrL
SV06EZU Scania 270/Emergency One (CP31 10 man cab) WrL
SV12AZB Scania P280/Emergency One WrL
SV12AZC Scania P280/Emergency One WrL
SV64AEO Scania P280/JDC RP
SV64AEU Scania P280/JDC    (Cobra Cold Cutting Gear fitted) RP

Pod on Station 2008
Flood Rescue Unit

Pods on Station December 2008
POD2 Disrobe/Rerobe

Pods on Station 2010
POD2 Welfare Unit Bott
ATV Polaris 700 Ranger Crew Carrier




? to 1941

Royal Burgh of Inverurie Fire Brigade

1941 to 1948

National Fire Service

1948 to 1975

North Eastern Fire Brigade

1975 to 2003

Grampian Fire Brigade

2003 to 2013 Grampian Fire and Rescue Service (name change only)
1/4/2013 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service




The North Eastern Fire Area Administration Scheme Order, 1948

  Equipment Retained
  1 Self Propelled Pump 1 Section Leader
  1 Towing Unit with Light Pump inside towing Major Pump 2 Leading Firemen
    17 Firemen



The North Eastern Fire Area Administration Scheme Order, 1952

  Equipment Retained
  2 Pump Appliances 2 Section Leaders
    2 Leading Firemen



16 Firemen


Establishment 2000





2 Water Tender Ladders

1 Station Officer



1 Sub Officer



3 Leading Firefighters



15 Firefighters


Inverurie had a call sign of 75 in Grampian Fire and Rescue Service, this was changed to R31, the new National Call Sign, when the Control at Mounthooly closed on 8/11/2016.


New station opens at Inverurie 

<PHOTO> Grampian Firemaster Douglas Close (front left) congratulates Station Officer James Gerrard (centre) at yesterday’s opening of the new Inverurie fire station. Divisional Commander Douglas Macpherson (second left) and Deputy Firemaster Neil Morrison (right) look on.
A new chapter in the long history of Inverurie Fire Brigade began last night with the official opening of their new £156,000 fire station in Constitution Street.
Grampian Firemaster Douglas Close told a gathering of the brigade’s past and present part time firemen and their wives that the new station provided a great opportunity. He said: “We have a new building in which to operate and new techniques to learn. This will give the brigade’s morale and efficiency an extra boost.”
He said the brigade also had one new diesel tender with high pressure hoses as well as a refurbished vehicle. The replacing of the traditional siren with a radio paging system would mean a quicker and larger turnout at fires, he added. One of the problems with the siren had been that the number of firemen who heard it often depended on the direction of the wind.
Station Officer James Gerrard said later that other benefits the new station offered included a bigger hose drying tower and a larger drill yard.
Some of the former firemen said they wished they could turn the clock back and join up again. Mr. William Ramsay (65), 51 Kellands Road, Inverurie, who joined the town’s fire brigade in 1938 said the new station was “great”.
“It’s a far cry from my early days as a fireman. We used to have to push the pump on a hand barrow before we got a trailer unit which was pulled by one of the council’s vans.”
The brigade was housed in premises next to the Town House from 1940 until the new station, the last of the purpose built stations in Grampian Region, was completed in December last year.
During last night’s ceremony a 20 year’s service medal was presented by Mr. Close to Fireman Mr. Michael Ivory, 3 Kellands Avenue, Inverurie. Mr. Ivory is a guillotine operator at Thomas Tait paper mills.
(Press and Journal Wednesday, January 21, 1981. Page 3. LM edition)

 A new 2 bay station was opened in December 1980. Station Officially opened 20/1/1981.

2001 TSA980 is kept in the third bay.

2004 Reserve appliance kept in the third bay.

Station strength at September 2004 1 Station Officer, 4 Leading Firefighters, 8 Firefighters.




If you know of any mistakes in this or have any additional information please let me know.



MAIN INDEX                         1975 INDEX                         GRAMPIAN INDEX                        SFRS NORTH SDA STATIONS