2 Pumps Retained.



Fire Engine Station


Cannery Buildings

? to 1942?

James Street (where MacKay Court is, opposite the fuel depot)

1942? to 1953

Keith Street                                                                                                    Photo


Robertson Road, STORNOWAY. HS1 2LL.                                             Photo



? to ?

Burgh Surveyor Mr Deas

War years

Jimmy Morrison

? to ?

John M MacKay

? to 1985

Station Officer John MacLeod (known as John Dan)

1/3/1985 to ?

Station Officer John Norman MacDonald M.B.E.

Jan 2001 to 2018 Station Officer John Campbell (retired summer 2018)
2019 Watch Commander Ian Macaulay (there May 2023)




1921   Steam Fire Engine P
1930 JS3675 Merryweather P
? GSA999 Dennis F7/Dennis PE
1952 FST513 Dennis F8/Dennis PE
? JST5 Karrier/Carmichael PE
1956 NAV575 Dennis F8/Dennis P
? PS2883 Bedford C4SZ/HCB PE
1973 VST188L Dodge K850/HCB Angus WrL
? GST464N Bedford CF/HCB Angus L2P


  First Second Third (Training/Spare) ISU 4x4
1990 B816UST A704RAS PAS156S    
1992 J366FAS B816UST PST917S    
1998 J366FAS H536AJS JST469Y    
2000 J366FAS H536AJS C207AAS    
2002 J366FAS H536AJS S564LST    
2003 SY03BNE SY03BNK S564LST    
2005 SY03BNE SY03BNK L970RAS    
2007 SY02VVZ SY03BNK M762XAS    
2008 SY02VVZ SY04CCA M762XAS    
2009 SY02VVZ SY04CCA SY04BWZ    
29/9/2010 SY02VVZ SY04CCA R685OST    
2017 March ST52GYF SY04CCA N682BST EX64WWG  


PAS156S Dodge K1113/CFE WrL
PST917S Dodge K1113/CFE WrL
JST469Y Dodge G1313/Fulton and Wylie WrL
A704RAS Dodge G13c/Fulton and Wylie WrL
B816UST Dodge G13c/Fulton and Wylie WrL
C207AAS Dodge G13c/Fulton and Wylie WrLE
H536AJS Mercedes 1120/Fulton and Wylie WrL
J366FAS Mercedes 1120/Fulton and Wylie WrL
L970RAS Mercedes 310D/HIFB LFA
M762XAS Mercedes 310D/HIFB LFA
N682BST Mercedes 1124/Emergency One WrL
W643RSC Scania 94D-260/Emergency One WrL
SN51GBV Scania 94D-260/Emergency One RP
SY02VVZ MAN 14-264/Emergency One WrLR
ST52GYF Scania 94D-260/Excalibur (Ex Tayside) RP
SN04FGD MAN/Emergency One RP
SY04CCA MAN 14-285/Wittlich/Emergency One WrL
SG62JPY Land Rover 4x4
EX64WWG Ford Ranger ISU

 EX64WWG is liveried as an Environmental and Incident Support Unit


? to 1941 ? Stornoway Fire Brigade
1941 to 1948 National Fire Service
1948 to 1975 Northern Area Fire Brigade
1975 to 1983 Northern Fire Brigade
1983 to 2005 Highland and Islands Fire Brigade
2005 to 2013 Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service
1/4/2013 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service



The Northern Fire Area Administration Scheme Order, 1948

  Equipment Retained
  1 Towing Vehicle 1 Section Leader
  1 Large Trailer Pump 2 Leading Firemen
  1 Self Propelled Pump 10 Firemen


The station was extended in 1971.

With the new brigade structure introduced in the summer of 2003 the 3 Divisions were re-organised into 2 Commands North and South, Stornoway was put into South Command. Call signs remained the same.

Stornoway had a call sign of B6 in The Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service, this was changed to U24, the new National Call Sign, when the Control at Inverness closed on 6/12/2016 and moved to Dundee.


1895 Stornoway had a Fire Engine Station, from Vol. VI Ordanance Gazetteer of Scotland New Edition 1895.)

The James Street station had a Merryweather Pump and an Austin ATV with Trailer Pump.

The Keith Street station had a Merryweather Pump and an Austin ATV with Trailer Pump.

John Dan (John MacLeod) started as a Boy Messenger in 1939 with the AFS, he was called up near the end of the war and joined the Navy. After his service in the navy he became a Fireman (about 1947) and rose to the rank of Station Officer at which he served until 1985.

Press launch of re-furbished station 24/8/2017.

Stornoway has become the first station in Scotland to undergo specialised training aimed at handling incidents involving animals. Animal specific rescue equipment donated by BHSS will be carried on a Stornoway appliance. 23/4/2024



A letter was read from Port Sunlight intimating that the steam fire engine, gifted by Lord Leverhume to the town had been dispatched.
There was also a letter from Councillor S. B. Fletcher intimating that the engine had arrived in good condition, and had been housed in the Cannery Buildings.
(Stornoway Gazette, 24th March, 1921. Page 3.)




The above is a photograph of the steam fire engine recently gifted to the Stornoway Town Council by Lord Leverhume. The engine which is meantime housed at the Cannery till a permanent station is provided has given satisfaction on her trials after being put together.
The community greatly appreciates this further proof of Lord Leverhume’s interest in the town.
(Stornoway Gazette, 21st April, 1921. Page 6.)



Stornoway Fire Brigade

Some months ago, Lord Leverhume presented a fire engine to the town of Stornoway, and the Town Council, having accepted the gift, and the obligation to form and equip a fire brigade to man the engine, pitched upon Councillor Stephen B. Fletcher to carry the matter through. With characteristic energy Councillor Fletcher threw himself heartily into the task, and set about enrolling suitable men and collecting funds to provide them with uniforms. Accordingly he issued a private appeal, to which a good response has been made, and to which further contributions will, no doubt, always be welcome.. Councillor Fletcher hopes by to uniform and equip the whole brigade without saddling the ratepayers with the cost.
Already eight men have been enrolled, who have volunteered to give their service to the town – that is, they will attend all drills and any possible calls out they may get. They will not draw any payment from such services, but will allow any legal fees which accrue therefrom to be placed to the credit of their Uniform Fund.

We append the first list of subscriptions :-

James Mackenzie & Sons, Cromwell Street                                                                                     £10 –   0 – 0

Sir Herbert Morgan K.B.E.                                                                                                                 £  5 –   0 – 0

Kenneth Maclennan, Esq., J.P.                                                                                                          £  5 –   0 – 0

Stornoway Parish Council                                                                                                                  £  5 –   0 – 0

Lodge Fortrose 108, Stornoway                                                                                                        £  5 –   0 – 0

Alex. Maclennan, Esq.                                                                                                                        £  4 –   0 – 0

Provost Smith                                                                                                                                       £  3 –   3 – 0

Councillor George Smith                                                                                                                     £  3 –   0 – 0

D. Maciver, Esq., Bayhead                                                                                                                 £  3 –   0 – 0

W. J. Gibson Esq.                                                                                                                                £  2 –   0 – 0

J. Matheson Esq., Caled’n Hotel                                                                                                       £  2 –   0 – 0

Mr & Mrs J. Small                                                                                                                                £  1 –   1 – 0

Councillor A. J. Murry, Cromwell Street                                                                                           £  1 –   1 – 0

M. Maclean Esq., Shipping Agent                                                                                                    £  1 –   0 – 0

A Wellwisher                                                                                                                                        £  1 –   0 – 0

J. Dawson Esq., Matheson Road                                                                                                      £  0 – 10 – 0

Ex Fireman                                                                                                                                             £  0 –   5 – 0

Public Dance organised by the “Lahuad” Staff resident at “The Cottage”                               £22 –   0 – 0

                                                                                                                                                                £72 –   0 – 0

(Highland News, Saturday, April 16, 1921. Page 5.)


New Engine for Stornoway Fire Brigade

<PHOTO> photo of steamer. (Name Stornoway Town Council on side)
Some months ago Lord Leverhume presented a fire engine to the town of Stornoway, and the Town Council having accepted the gift, and the obligation to form and equip a fire brigade to man the engine, pitched upon Councillor Stephen B. Fletcher to carry the matter through. With characteristic energy Councillor Fletcher threw himself heartily into the task, and set about enrolling suitable men and collecting funds to provide them with uniforms. Accordingly he issued a private appeal, to which a good response has been made, and to which further contributions will, no doubt, always be welcome. Councillor Fletcher hopes by to uniform and equip the whole brigade without saddling the ratepayers with the cost.
Already eight men have been enrolled, who have volunteered to give their service to the town – that is, they will attend all drills and any possible calls out they may get. They will not draw any payment from such services, but will allow any legal fees which accrue therefrom to be placed to the credit of their Uniform Fund.
The first list of subscriptions, amounting to £72 appeared in our last issue.
(Highland News, Saturday, April 23, 1921. Page 5.)

After a while the people of Lewis realised that Lord Leverhume wanted to industrialise the island and after a fall out the Steam Fire Engine was moved to Leverburgh in June 1921. See report on Leverburgh page.


Fire Brigade and Lifeboat Out

At six o’clock on Wednesday evening, the firing of maroons called Stornoway lifeboat. Forty five minutes later the sounding of a siren called Stornoway Fire Brigade. Neither service had been called for several months previously.
The fire brigade was called to Mr Kenneth F. Maciver’s mobile chip shop. The van caught fire when Mr Maciver was lighting the burners after giving them their weekly overhaul. Methylated spirits are used to light the burners, and there was a flash back.
The van was quickly ablaze. Mr Maciver tackled the fire with an extinguisher and later with a small hose. He seemed to have it under control when it broke out afresh, and he phoned for the fire brigade.
The van was gutted. Mr Maciver escaped with slightly singed hair.
The Fire Brigade had all their equipment polished up for the official opening of their new fire station on Thursday morning by the Minister of State, the Earl of Home, when the call came. Once the blaze was out, they went back to polish up once more!
(Stornoway Gazette, Friday, September 25, 1953. Page 1.)

New Fire Station Formally Opened

In keeping with all Fire Station activities, the opening of the new Stornoway Fire Station was a snappy affair and a colourful one.
Five minutes before the ceremony was due to begin the official party arrived. The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Home, Minister of State for Scotland accompanied by Sir David Milne, Permanent Head of the Scottish Office, Mr John Anderson, Depute Secretary of the Scottish Home Dept., Mr W. Ballantine, Director of the Scottish Information Office, and Mr N. D. Walker, Private Secretary to the Minister of State, met officials of the Fire Service and the members of the local brigade who were lined up outside the new station, their black shining helmets and glinting hatchets sharply contrasting with the fresh new yellow and red of the station building.
Bright sunshine greeted the occasion and it was to a representative gathering of officials and spectators that Mr William Mackay of the Northern Fire Area Committee spoke.
Introducing the Minister of State as “a real friend to the Highlands” Mr Mackay conveyed the thanks of his committee to him for consenting to perform the opening ceremony, and to the architect, Mr Leask, the contractors and workmen and finally to the Stornoway Town Council, Ross County Council and the Stornoway Trust.
Turning to the men of the brigade, Mr Mackay wished them happy fire fighting and every success in their job.
“May all your troubles be little ones,” said Mr Mackay. “Prevention is what matters. If we can prevent then that is the aim of the Fire Service.”
The Earl of Home remarking that it was his first visit to Lewis, said he was making good a gap in his education.
“I am glad to see that the people of Stornoway are interested in this fire station,” he said. “When people have an interest in the local and public services then they will find that the local or the national representatives respond, and the local and public services become better. Local interest is at the bottom of all successful public services.”

Firemen’s Dual Service To The Country

Speaking of the need to recognise fire as a real public enemy the Minister of State stressed that with the danger of war added to normal risks firemen were not only doing a local but a national service.
“In Scotland we are aiming to get something like 70,000 recruits. We have only about one seventh of that number and I do hope many more will follow the example of those already in the service.”
Turning to the doors of the new station, where red, white and blue ribbon fluttered in the “V” for Victory sign across the building front, the Minister of State cut the tape with an inscribed ornamental fireman’s axe, which was later presented to him as a momento of the occasion.
As the tape fell aside the huge doors swung open and the fire crew jumped to attention, doubled into the station and in the wink of an eye, the two new engines, with bells clanging, swept out and disappeared over the crest of Leverhulme Drive, their shining brass fittings glistening against the red paintwork.
After an official tour of the premises from the main garage to the two ante-rooms, Provost Mackenzie thanked the Earl of Home on behalf of the Burgh of Stornoway.
Officials of the Fire Service who attended the opening were Mr A. D. Wilson, Chief Inspector of Fire Brigades for Scotland, Mr D. Macdonald, Firemaster of the Northern Areas, Mr James Cameron Clerk to the Fire Committee, Mr W. Mackay, Treasurer and Chairman of the Fire Committee, Vice Chairman A. Mackay, and Mr J. I. Chisholm, Area Training Officer to the Service.
Councillor Cumming, Ross and Cromarty, Councillors D. Urquhart and J. Fraser, Inverness, Councillor Grant and Ex Provost D. Cameron, Fort William also attended.
(Stornoway Gazette, Tuesday, September 29, 1953. Page 6.)


SFRS invests £2.7m in Western Isles' fire station

Western Isles communities are set to benefit from a near £3m investment which has transformed the fire station at Stornoway - and delivered vital modern training facilities.

<PHOTO> Chief Fire Officer and Chair of the SFRS Board mark the opening of the newly refurbished Stornoway Fire Station.
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s extensive 12-month renovation programme has doubled the size of the former station, which now includes additional office space for support staff.
And it means firefighters across the Western Isles can receive training closer to home – equipping them to stand on the front line at times of emergency.
It will also serve as a valuable community asset, providing a place for residents to meet and for the SFRS to engage with local partners. 
The Western Isles District Office and Stornoway Community Fire Station was officially opened on Thursday, August 24 by Chair of the SFRS Board Pat Watters. He was joined by Chief Fire Officer Alasdair Hay.
Mr Watters said: “Today’s official opening marks the culmination of some serious effort to deliver a truly outstanding facility for our firefighters across the Western Isles – and they deserve no less. 
“They are committed to their communities, responding at a moment’s notice to protect at times of emergency – and we are committed to them.
“We are committed to providing them with the modern resources and training required to keep standing on that front line and I commend their unwavering dedication, so very typical of firefighters.
“This building is not only bricks and mortar. It is a concrete symbol of our values, our drive and our determination to do the very best for our communities across the country as we continue to move forward as a truly world class fire and rescue service.”
Stornoway’s fire station, located in the heart of the historic town, was originally built in 1953 and later expanded in 1971.
The refurbished building will support the Western Isles’ 140 retained duty system firefighters (RDS). 
It includes two brand new lecture rooms, one of which is available as a community room which supports the SFRS’ commitment to community planning, engagement and safety. 
It’s the latest SFRS investment in the North. A 2016 partnership deal with Highlands & Islands Airport Limited brought a new fire training unit to Stornoway Airport for crews train in temperatures up to 600C and share expertise.
Chief Officer Hay added: “I am absolutely delighted to be here today for the official launch of this key facility which will undoubtedly enhance the service we provide to the Western Isles. 
“I cannot emphasise enough the vitally important role of our retained crews - they are the life-blood of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and I wholeheartedly thank them for their dedication. 
“It is therefore right and proper that they are supported, trained and equipped to meet emerging modern risks such as severe weather-related flooding.
“The Western Isles District Office and Stornoway Community Fire Station represents our commitment to them - and to the communities of the Western Isles.”
(SFRS WEB Site News 24/8/2017)




Thanks to John Dan, Mr Smith and John Campbell.


If you know of any mistakes in this or have any additional information please let me know.


 MAIN INDEX                         1975 INDEX                         HIGHLAND & ISLANDS INDEX                    SFRS NORTH SDA STATIONS