Retained Unit.


2000                           London Bay, Eday, Stronsay, Orkney Isles, KW17 2AN




2018                            Crew Manager Cathryn Townsend (senior CM, no WM)



1992 Non Mobile    
1996/97 P521EAS Leyland DAF Convoy/HIFB LFA
2006 November R437SAS LDV 400 Convoy/HIFB LFA
2010 November SY04BWZ LDV 400 Convoy/HIFB LFA
2016 SY04CAX LDV 400 Convoy/HIFB LFA
2017 June SY02TTU LDV LFA
2018 June SN03BNL LDV 400 Convoy (3.85T)/HIFB LFA


1975 to 1983 Northern Fire Brigade   ?
1983 to 2005 Highland and Islands Fire Brigade
2005 to 2013 Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service
1/4/2013 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service



1996/97    Volunteer station completed.

2000/2001 unit upgraded. Upgrades to units involves equipping them with Breathing Apparatus, Firefighting Uniforms, Road Traffic Accident Rescue Equipment, Pagers and Fire Engines appropriate to the needs of the local area.

2001/2002 Upgraded to BA Status.

With the new brigade structure introduced in the summer of 2003 the 3 Divisions were re-organised into 2 Commands North and South, Eday was put into North Command. Call signs remained the same.

On 1st April 2005 along with 61 other units Eday was upgraded to a Retained Unit, drilling one night per week and receiving a retaining fee.

Eday had a call sign of C20 in The Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service, this was changed to V25, the new National Call Sign, when the Control at Inverness closed on 6/12/2016 and moved to Dundee.


If you know of any mistakes in this or have any additional information please let me know.


 MAIN INDEX                         1975 INDEX                         HIGHLAND & ISLANDS INDEX                    SFRS NORTH SDA STATIONS