Retained Unit.


15/12/1994 to                                     Garage, SANDAY, Orkney Isles.

?                                                           Lady Village, Sanday, KW17 2BW




2005                        Sub Officer Fred Tulloch

There 2018            Watch Manager Raymond Brown



1992   Non Mobile  
1998 M103VAS Mercedes 310D/HIFB LFA
2006 L322SAS Mercedes 310D/HIFB LFA
2007 (August) P520EAS LDV 400 Convoy.HIFB LFA
2009 X923RST LDV Convoy/HIFB LFA
2017 SY04CAU LDV 400 Convoy/HIFB    LFA
2019 July SY04BWV LDV 400 Convoy/HIFB :LFA



1975 to 1983 Northern Fire Brigade   ?
1983 to 2005 Highland and Islands Fire Brigade
2005 to 2013 Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service
1/4/2013 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service


15/12/1994    Garage officially opened.

2000/2001 Upgraded to BA status.

With the new brigade structure introduced in the summer of 2003 the 3 Divisions were re-organised into 2 Commands North and South, Sanday was put into North Command. Call signs remained the same.

On 1st April 2005 along with 61 other units Sanday was upgraded to a Retained Unit, drilling one night per week and receiving a retaining fee.

Sanday had a call sign of C23 in The Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service, this was changed to V24, the new National Call Sign, when the Control at Inverness closed on 6/12/2016 and moved to Dundee.


If you know of any mistakes in this or have any additional information please let me know.


 MAIN INDEX                         1975 INDEX                         HIGHLAND & ISLANDS INDEX                    SFRS NORTH SDA STATIONS