1 Rescue Pump, Wholetime.



1657 Wooden Shed
1800s to 1851 Bell Street
1851 to 1900 Central Fire Engine Station, 46 College Street.
1900 to 1984 Central Fire Station, 33 Ingram Street.                                                                              Photo
3/4/1985 to Cowcaddens Fire Station, 91 Port Dundas Road, GLASGOW G4 1ES.                       Photo

The Official Opening of Cowcaddens Fire Station and 'A' Division Headquarters was on the 3rd of April 1985.
The station became operational at 10am on the 8th of July1984 and the first fire call was received at 11-47am that day to a small fire in Garscube Road, Glasgow.



Police Force took over fire fighting 1807
BASIL AITCHISON 1st March, 1809
JAMES BLACK 1st February, 1816
JAMES DAVIDSON 23rd September, 1824
PETER McGREGOR 25th July, 1833
CHARLES FORSYTH 13th December, 1847
ALEX TURNER 5th March, 1849
JAMES BRYSON 1st December, 1855
WILLIAM PATERSON 1st November, 1884
JOHN McCOLL 24th January, 1907
WILLIAM WADDELL 11th February, 1909
JAMES MARSHALL 1st June, 1928
CHARLES ANGUS 1st June, 1936
MARTIN CHADWICK C.B.E., M.I.F.E., M.I.E.S. 1st June, 1940
JOHN SWANSON M.B.E., G.M., G.I.FIRE.E 1st January, 1961
GEORGE COOPER Q.F.S.M. 15th April, 1965




  First Second Aerial Salvage Tender BA Tender Hi-Ex FoT Hose Lorry
1976 XGE213J NGE47F NYS26F   AYS273B NGE656F  
1980 FGA135T YHS563S NYS26F   AYS273B NGE656F  
1983 OGD73V OGD76V NYS26F   AYS273B NGE656F  
1989 A811XSJ A812XSJ B623AGE HHS924T      
1990 A811XSJ A812XSJ F204FHS HHS924T      
1991 H95YUS H96YUS F204FHS F83HNS      
1993 H95YUS H96YUS K377MYS F83HNS      
1997 P932SGE P936SGE M58FYS F83HNS      
2003 P932SGE P936SGE SA52FKO F83HNS      
2004 SF53PPU P932SGE SA52FKO F83HNS      
2004 SF53PPU L719UGA SA52FKO F83HNS      
2005 SF53PPU L719UGA SA52FKO P737WGG      
2005 SF53PPU L719UGA SA52FKO        
2008 SF53PPU SF57JCY SA52FKO        
22/10/2008 SF08AFN SF57JCY          
2010 Aug SF54RPZ SF57JCY          
2010 Nov SF10GVZ SF57JCY          
2013 April SF10GVZ SF13GXS          
2017 SN16NWF SF13GXS         SA05CLO
2021 May SN16NWF SF13GXS         SN20RBX
2021 June SN16NWF SF69BHA         SN20RBX
4/9/2023 SF69BHA           SN20RBX

August 2010 ARP moved to Springburn.
Hose Lorry SA05CLO also takes a fuel bowser to an incident if an ARP is in use to keep it fuelled.
4/9/2023 Cowcadden's 2nd appliance was removed as part of the budget cuts removing 2nd or 3rd appliances from 10 stations in Scotland.


AYS273B AEC/Carmichael BAT
NYS26F Deutz/Magirus/Bennett TLP
NGE47F Deutz Magirus/SMT WrL
NGE656F BMC/Bennett HiEx
NYS26F Deutz/Magirus/Bennett TL
XGE213J Dennis F46/Scoosher Mark II Sch
YHS563S Dodge K1113/Fulton and Wylie WrL
HHS924T Bedford TK/Fulton and Wylie ST
FGA135T Dodge K1113/Fulton and Wylie WrL
OGD73V Bedford KG/HCB Angus CSV/Fulton and Wylie WrL
OGD76V Bedford KG/HCB Angus CSV/Fulton and Wylie WrL
A811XSJ Bedford KG/Fulton and Wylie Fire Warrior WrL
A813XSJ Bedford KG/Fulton and Wylie Fire Warrior WrL
B623AGE Dennis DF133/Fulton & Wylie/Pierreville TL  (RTA)
F83HNS Dodge G08/Fulton and Wylie DCU
F204FHS Scania 93M/Metz/Angloco TL
H95YUS Scania 93M/Fulton and Wylie WrL
H96YUS Scania 93M/Fulton and Wylie WrL
K377MYS Scania 113M/310/Angloco/Bronto 28-2TI ALP
L719UGA Scania 93M-220/Emergency One WrL
M58FYS Scania P113-320/Angloco/Bronto F32HDT ALP
P737WGG Mercedes 412D Sprinter DCU (Temp Ex-RRU)
P932SGE Scania 93M-220/Emergency One WrL
P936SGE Scania 93M-220/Emergency One WrL
SA52FKO Scania 114G-340 6x4/Angloco/Bronto 32HDTRL ALP
SF53PPU Scania 94D-260/Saxon RPL
SF54RPZ Scania 94D-260/Saxon RPL
SA05CLO Vauxhall Movano Pick up Truck HoL
SF57JCY Scania P270/JDC RPL
SF08AFN Scania P310 CP14 6x2 RS/JDC/Vema 282ARP MKIII ARP
SF10GVZ Scania P280/JDC/Polybilt RPL
SF13GXS Scania P280/JDC/Polybilt RPL
SN16NWF Scania P280/JDC/Polybilt RP
SF69BHA Scania P280/ Emergency One (New Gen) RP
SN20RBX Mercedes Sprinter Pick up Truck HoL
SF69BHA Scania P280/Emergency One (New Gen) RP



1657?to 1941 Glasgow Fire Brigade
1941 to 1948 National Fire Service
1948 to 1975 Glasgow Fire Service
1975 to 7/6/2005 Strathclyde Fire Brigade
8/6/2005 to31/3/2013 Strathclyde Fire and Rescue (Name change only.)
1/4/2013 to Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

Opened 1/5/1900, closed 8/7/1984. Cost £62,700.
At the start of the shift on Sunday 8th July 1984, Central crews moved up to Cowcaddens and about 11-15 the North crew moved up to Cowcaddens. They ran out of Cowcaddens with two Fire Warriors, a Magirus Deutz TTL and a Salvage Tender (Ex Glasgow salvage Corp.)
Cowcaddens Fire Station replaced the Central and North Fire Stations.
Plans have been lodged with Glasgow City Council for the erection of a 2 bay Fire Station on the site of the former Glasgow Salvage Corps Headquarters. 31/1/2025.


Establishment 2000





2 Water Tender Ladders

4 Station Officers


1 Turntable Ladder

8 Sub Officers


1 Foam/Salvage Tender

12 Leading Firefighters



56 Firefighters

The Staff are split over four watches (Red, Blue, Green and White) 1 Station Officer, 2 Sub Officers, 3 Leading Firefighters and 14 Firefighters working 2 days, 2 nights and 4 days off. Water Tenders are normally manned 5 and 4.

On Wednesday 22 October 2008 the last dedicated aerial in Strathclyde Fire and Rescue (Cowcaddens Aerial Ladder Platform) went off the run.

When the new call signs were being implemented in the WEST SDA over a 7 week period beginning 31/8/2020  doing 1 LSO Area per week, Cowcaddens was changed from T01 to B01.





1st May, 1900








Councillor JAS. M. THOMSON



Councillor JOHN WALKER









                                            A.B.M’DONALD, Architect.                                                             DANIEL WILKIE, Measurer.



The Contractors for the erection of the buildings were—Messrs. P. & W. Anderson, builders; Mr. H. M’Taggart, wright; Messrs J. Smith & Sons, slaters; Mr. J. L. Arnot, plumber; Messrs. Stalker & Day, gasfitters; Mr. J. Graydon, plasterer; Messrs. Stevenson Brothers, painters; Messrs. Jas. Combe & Son, heating.
The Photographs are by Messrs. Fulllarton & Edgar.


The NEW CENTRAL. FIRE STATION, now completed, promises to be in every way as suitable as the old one it replaces was unsuitable for the purposes of the City Fire Brigade. A more central site might have been desirable but would have been both difficult and expensive to obtain.
The shape of the site is unsymmetrical, as the Plan reproduced on pages 9 and 10 shows. It extends to about three-fourths of an acre an cost £22,750.
The Station has two frontages, that in Ingram Street—four storeys in height being the principal. On the ground floor to the right of the entrance are the Watch Room, and the Engine House with accommodation for four machines. The Offices are to the left, and comprise the Chief Officer’s Room, Officers’ and Clerks’ Rooms, &c. Immediately to the rear of the Engine House and opening into it, are stalls for eight horses, and behind this is the Fodder House, spare Stables, Machine and Harness Rooms. On the first floor, over the Engine House, are two Duty Rooms, provided with sliding poles. A passage across the roof of the Stable communicates with the Recreation Rooms. The remainder of this floor and the floors above are occupied by the Officers’ Houses.
The Engine House walls are lined inside with a beautiful selection of Grecian marble and polished granite, and the floor is laid with oak blocks.
The High Street Building is five storeys in height. The four upper floors are occupied by the Firemen and their families, the ground floor being occupied as Shops.
At the south side of the Courtyard is a block of buildings containing on the ground floor Rooms for spare Machines, Workshops for boot-making, hose repairing, engineering work, joinering, coach painting, and plumbing; and on the three floors above are the houses for the Firemen and their families. Behind this building is situated the Children’s Playground. Facing this block on the other side of the Courtyard, a range of one-storey Offices is built, comprising, Washhouses, Laundry, Drying Room, Smithy, Oil Store, Electric Shop, &c; in the south-west corner of the Courtyard is the Hose-drying Tower, rising to a height of 90 feet, having on the top a test room for all fire alarm telegraph and telephone lines; adjoining is the Gymnasium, 55 feet long and 25 feet broad; and underneath is a Store for wood and iron.
In every fireman’s house is a bath, supplied with hot water from a steam boiler, which also supplies the water for heating and for domestic use throughout the station.
The buildings throughout are lit by electricity.
All pipes, drains, and electric-light lines, also the telegraph, telephone, fire alarm, and house bell connections, are contained in a subway which connects all the buildings
The elevation to Ingram Street is of handsome design, well broken up with oriels, gables. pilasters, and carving, but not overladen with ornament—polished granite being carried to the first cornice. Above this Locharbriggs red sandstone is used. The elevation to High Street is built of the same materials as that to Ingram Street, but is less ornate in character.
The station being built on the barracks principle, access to the firemen’s houses can be had only from the Ingram Street entrance, and thus every person entering or leaving the station is under observation from the watchroom.
The cost of the buildings will be about £40,000.
The Plans were prepared and the work carried out under the superintendence of Mr. A. B. M’Donald, M. Inst. C. E., City Engineer.


The cause which led to an organisation for the extinction of fires in Glasgow was the great fire which occurred on 17th July, 1652, and by which nearly one-third of the City was destroyed. It might be supposed that active measures would at once have been taken for the prevention of the recurrence of such a disaster, but the Council of the day seems to have acted with more than proverbial Scotch caution. Four years after this fire we find ("Memorabilia of Glasgow," p. 139) that "Bailie Walkingschawe and Dekin Conveinar" were to "meit with James Colquhoune, and to grie with him anent the making of the ingyne for castying of watter on land that is in fyre, as they have in Edinburghe." In the following year (1657) the Council ordained "James Bornis to have ane warrand for the soume of twentie fyve pund stairling, debursit be him to James Colquhoune for the pryce of the ingyne laitlie maid be the said James Colquhoune"; and on 13th June of that year the Council resolved "that the ingyne laitlie maid be James Colquhoune, be saitlit neir himself, and the Mr. of Wark to mack ane hous of daillis thairto.’’ This is the first mention of a fire engine in Glasgow, and the "hous of daillis" or wooden shed was Glasgow’s first fire station.
At the beginning of the century Glasgow had no permanent fire brigade. The superintendent of the fire engines was a master slater, carrying on his business in town or country, and residing within the city wherever he might please; the firemen were ordinary tradesmen in the city. The fire drum to call out the firemen was beat off from the main guard house, Candleriggs, by the regimental drummer on duty. On midnight alarms he was escorted by two men of the military guard. It was usual for the guard to turn out to assist at fires by keeping the ground clear, and on occasions of large fires the guard was sometimes reinforced by two or three hundred men from the infantry barracks.
There were six manual engines in Glasgow of a pattern now obsolete which could not be used for the conveyance of the men; no provision was made for horses, and the men had, in almost all cases, to draw the engine to the scene of fire. The engines were located, one at the MeaI Market, one at the Potato Market, two at the Wynd Church, one at Hutcheson’s Hospital, one in Lang’s Callander Close, and were to all intents fixtures in their respective stations until an officer of Police, or one of the City magistrates, had given an order to have them taken out. The time lost in procuring the key of the station would in almost every case exceed the time taken to reach the scene of fire to-day. There was no regular staff, and in many cases it was more difficult to get the firemen than it was to obtain access to the engines.
Early in the Century the principal fire station was situated in Bell Street, behind the police office, and was in use up till the end of 1851, when the Central Station in College Street, now vacated, was erected.
In 1815 it was decided that the Superintendent of Fire Engines should devote his whole time to the duties of his office. Since that date the following have held the appointment:-


James Black

appointed 1st February, 1816.


James Davidson

appointed 23rd September, 1824.


Peter MGregor

appointed 25th July, 1833


William Robertson

appointed 5th June. 1835.


Chas. Forsyth

appointed 13th December, 1847.


Alex. Turner

appointed 5th March, 1849


James Bryson

appointed December, 1855


William Paterson

appointed 1st November, 1884.

The following comparison will show how the organisation for the extinction of fires has grown since the beginning of the century:-
In 1816 there were 152 Fire-cocks in the City—at this date there are 5,883; then there were only 450 yards of Hose, as against 8 3/4 miles at the present time. The cost of the Fire Department for the year 1820 was about £300; it has now reached an. annual expenditure of £16,000. The number of Fires in 1820 was 14; last year they numbered 712. The City is now supplied with 11 Steam Fire Engines, 10 Hose and Ladder Carriages, each carrying nearly half-a-mile of hose, 4 Fire Escapes, 500 feet of Scaling Ladders, &c. There are now 121 permanent men (all auxiliaries being discontinued in 1892), and 38 horses belonging to the Brigade as against 11 in 1884. There are 10 Stations, 6 of which have been erected since 1886.
The system of street electric fire alarms, which was inaugurated by Glasgow in 1878, has extended so rapidly that there are now in use in the City over 200 call points.
On an alarm of fire being received at a station, it is instantly communicated to the nearest station, and also to the Central Fire Station, and is attended to by the two stations nearest the fire; a steamer being run from one, and a hose an ladder carriage from the other.
On each machine is carried a portable telephone, which, on the arrival of the machine at the scene of the fire, is immediately attached to the nearest fire alarm, and by this means telephonic communication with the Central Fire Station is established, and information as to the nature and extent of the fire reported. This system, which has been proved most valuable, has been in use since 1891—Glasgow being the first city to adopt it.
(The Souviner Programme 1/5/1900)






Cowcaddens Workshops & Breathing Apparatus Training School


Opened by

Councillor Agnes L Ballantyne JP

On Friday 7 April 1978

At 11.00 a.m.


Order of proceedings


Guests Assemble

Platform Party Assembles

Introductory Remarks
Councillor James Jennings, J.P.

 Unveiling of
Commemorative Plaque
Councillor Mrs. A. L. Ballantyne
Chairman Fire and Police Committee

Rev. Matthew Liddell, B.D.
Strathclyde Fire Brigade Chaplain

Vote of Thanks
Richard J. Knowlton, Q.F.S.M.


Tour of Building

Bus to City Halls


Bus to Cowcaddens



<PHOTO> Councillor Mrs. A. L. Ballantyne J.P.
<PHOTO> Councillor James Jennings
<PHOTO> Firemaster Richard J. Knowlton Q.F.S.M. F.I.FireE.


Workshops & Training School

 The Vehicle Repair Workshops and Breathing Apparatus training block represent the initial phase of the new Fire Brigade Headquarters in Glasgow. This particular phase will replace the small units scattered throughout the city and the adjoining localities and provide facilities for major repair and servicing of vehicles.
The design of the Breathing Apparatus Training Unit has been based upon the knowledge and experience gained from the training Establishment at Gullane and Moreton-in-Marsh, together with the detailed discussions held between the Fire Department and the Architects. This project was originally started in 1964 to replace the Central and St. George’s Road Fire Stations, provide storage accommodation, Breathing Apparatus training facilities, Vehicle Repair Workshops, Central Unit and Administration Headquarters for the Glasgow Fire Service. Although with the advent of reorganisation changes were made necessary by the new situation, the basic design has remained. Also included in Phase IA is the Heating Chamber for the entire complex. This will simplify the building of Phase IB, at present under construction, and Phases II and III
The buildings have been evolved with a very close liaison between the Fire Service and the Architects. The functional aspect has been the paramount consideration.
Construction comprises of a Structural Steel frame with a lower span of facing brick and upper areas clad with insulated metal decking. Heating is by gas and a system of gas diffusion has eliminated the need for a chimney.

The Building

 Phase 1A Cowcaddens Workshops and Breathing Apparatus Training School

 This project, the first phase in the Cowcaddens complex, was started on 9th December, 1975.
The workshop building affords the most up-to-date equipment and conditions for all types of repairs and servicing for fire brigade appliances.
The turntable ladder bay has a large roof void specially heightened to enable servicing and repair to be carried out on turntable ladders and hydraulic platforms while they are extended.
The equipment includes the normal servicing pits, hydraulic hoists, electronics bay and rolling road for engine performance and braking tests.
The breathing apparatus training block is among the most advanced and sophisticated in the country. There are two custom built smoke chambers in which a variety of fire and rescue situations can be simulated. The smoke chambers have an inbuilt smoke generator and extractor system.
The smoke chambers are controlled from a central control room, which monitors the position of Breathing Apparatus wearers through positional locating sensors mounted on the floor of the chamber.
A two-way audio system allows realistic sound tracks and background noises to be played during fire exercises.
The training school has both theory and practical lecture rooms equipped with modern teaching aids and facilities.
The project was completed in September, 1977.


Strathclyde Regional Council
Architectural and Related Services

Main Contractor
Melville, Dundas and Whitson.


<PHOTO> Looking down on complex from High Flat?        See Photo
<PHOTOS> 2 views inside the workshops.


Cowcaddens Fire Station Site Opening

Wednesday 12th January 1983 11-00 hours


Order of Proceedings



Firemaster R. J. Knowlton C.B.E., Q.F.S.M., F.I.FireE., F.B.I.M.

Councillor J. Irvine, J.P., Chairman Police and Fire Committee



Lifting of first soil
Councillor J. Irvine, J.P.
Chairman Police and Fire Committee

Mr W. W. Shearer Melville, Dundas and Whitson, Contractor.

(TD1431/47/9. Official Programme.)


Cowcaddens Fire Station
‘A’ Division Headquarters


Official Opening Ceremony
Wednesday 3rd April 1985


Councillor Gerald McGrath, DL, FBCO, DCLP, JP
Vice Chairman, Police and
Fire Committee


<PHOTO> Councillor James Irvine, JP, Chairman, Police and Fire Committee
<PHOTO> Councillor Gerald McGrath, DL, FBCO, DCLP, JP, Vice Chairman Police and Fire Committee
<PHOTO> Firemaster Clive B. Halliday, MIFireE, Strathclyde Fire Brigade


Order of Proceedings

Guests Assemble 

Platform Party Assemble 

Introductory Remarks
Councillor James Irvine JP
Chairman, Police and Fire Committee 

Opening Ceremony and Unveiling of Commemorative Plaque
Councillor Gerald McGrath DL, FBCO DCLP JP
Vice Chairman, Police and Fire Committee 

Rev. Peter Houston
Strathclyde Fire Brigade Chaplain 

Presentation of Visitors’ Book
On behalf of The Chief Executive by Mr. P. M. Howitt BL
Depute Chief Executive, Strathclyde Regional Council 

Firemaster Clive B. Halliday MIFireE
Strathclyde Fire Brigad

Presentation to Strathclyde Fire Brigade
Mr. R. C. P. Whitson
Melville, Dundas & Whitson Limite 

Vote of Thanks
Councillor William McGill
Police and Fire Committee

Tour of Station


Buffet Lunch 



The Old: Central Fire Station
The Central Fire Station was officially opened by Lord Provost Chisholm on 1st May, 1900 at a cost of approximately £62,750.
The station had two frontages, one in Ingram Street and the other in High Street. The four storey building in Ingram Street was the principal building comprising offices to the left of the pend entrance with the Watchroom and Appliance Room housing four fire appliances to the right.
At this time all appliances were horse drawn machines and immediately to the rear of the appliance room and opening into it were the stables for eight horses.
On the first floor immediately above the appliance room were two duty rooms with the remainder of the building being used as officers’ housing accommodation.
The appliance room walls were lined inside with a selection of Grecian marble and polished granite with the floor laid in oak blocks.
The High Street building was five storeys in height. the four upper floors being occupied by firemen and their families and the ground floor used as shops.
At the south side of the courtyard another four storey block contained, on the ground floor, rooms for spare appliances, workshops for bootmaking, hose repairing, engineering work, joinery work, coach painting and plumbing and on the three floors above, further accommodation for firemen and their families.
Every house was fitted with a bath and supplied with hot water from a steam boiler which also supplied the water for heating and domestic use throughout the premises.
In the south west corner of the courtyard was a 90 feet high hose drying tower with an adjoining gymnasium, 55 feet long and 25 feet broad with storage area underneath.
<PHOTO> Central Fire Station. 

The Old: North Fire Station
The North Fire Station was officially opened on 12th April, 1889 by Councillor Dickson, Convenor of the Watching and Lighting Committee at a cost of around £7,000.
“A large number assembled and they were shown over the premises by Firemaster Paterson who explained the equipment and the various appliances of the station.
To show the promptness with which the Brigade can respond to an alarm of fire, a turnout was made and to the astonishment of those present a steam fire engine was despatched from the station in the remarkably brief space of 28 seconds after the ringing of the bell”.
The main building was four storeys in height. The ground floor being utilised for watchroom and appliance rooms with the remaining floors for accommodation of firemen and their families. Behind the main building, divided by a courtyard, was a two storey building used as a stable, workshop and dwellings for the coachmen.
The most remarkable features in this situation were the improvements which had been introduced with a view to minimising time in turning out. Of these features the most important was an arrangement by which the stable doors and the appliance room doors could be opened simultaneously by a lever operated in the watchroom.
The horses having already been so well trained that immediately the doors were opened they rushed from the stables into the appliance room to take up their positions under the harness on each side of the steam engine. The harness was suspended from the roof by pulleys and was at once dropped upon the backs of the horses and by the closing of a few springs, the men were ready to proceed from the station.
“The entire building is arteried with electric contrivances for “alarming” the men the moment a fire is intimated and there is also a contrivance by which the gas in all the dwellings can be raised from the watchroom at the same time as the alarm is sounded”.
“Extract from Evening Despatch, 10th July, 1889.”
<PHOTO> North Fire Station. 

The New
Work started on the project in January, 1983 and was completed in June, 1984 at a cost of £1,269,567.
The new complex was designed to replace the Central Fire Station and ‘A’ Division Headquarters from Ingram Street and the North Fire Station from St. George’s Road.
The Cowcaddens Fire Station and ‘A’ Division Headquarters constitutes a further phase for Strathclyde Fire Brigade on this site of which the earlier phases, the workshop, BA. Training building, central stores, central boilerhouse, hose drying and training tower must make this development one of the most advanced Fire Brigade complexes in the country.
The building is essentially two storey of traditional loadbearing brick/block construction. The external appearance consists of dark brown outside facing brick, dark brown composite insulation panels and brown anodised aluminium windows.
The design concept is that of a linear corridor plan arrangement on two floors leading to a five bay appliance room and ancillary work rooms with egress for fire fighting appliances onto Port Dundas Road.
The ground floor comprises the operational station which is linked by the Fire Prevension Suite to the ‘A’ Division Headquarters offices. The first floor contains all dormitory, recreation and messing facilities, the latter two being shared by both the station and Divisional Headquarters personnel.
Easily maintained and durable materials have been used as finishes, particularly in the operational areas.
The building is heated from a central gas fired boilerhouse within the complex to which it is linked by an underground service duct. The heating system within the building is by low pressure hot water radiators.
The Station became operational at 10.00 hours on Sunday, 8th July 1984 and the first fire call was received at 11.47 hours on that date to a small fire in Garscube Road, Glasgow. The total number of calls received from 8th July, 1984 to 3rd December 1984 was 1,283.
<3 PHOTOS> Appliances in bays. 2 Fire Prevention Officers. Canteen.


Main Contractor
Melville, Dundas and Whitson Ltd.,
21 Blythswood Square,

Structural Engineers and Surveyors
Service Engineers
Strathclyde Regional Council,
Department of Architectural and Related Services
Strathclyde House,
Director: Mr. J.C. McDougall, RIBA, FRIAS, FFB. FBIM 

Strathclyde Regional Council
Published by Strathclyde Fire Brigade
Designed by the Public Relations Department
Printed by the Regional Printing Works
PR/19:0185 SFB/0285005

(Official Programme)

Cowcaddens - 'a very fine complex'

Councillor Gerald McGrath, vice chairman of the regional council's police and Fire Committee, has officially opened the Cowcaddens Fire Station and A Division headquarters complex.
The building at 91/123 Port Dundas Road in Glasgow, was built for the brigade at a cost of £1,269,567 and was completed in 18 months.


The station houses two water pump appliances, a turntable ladder appliance and a salvage tender. It is manned by 88 firefighting personnel.
Before introducing Councillor McGrath, the chairman of the opening proceedings, Councillor James Irvine, chairman of the Police and Fire Committee, complimented the firemen on parade on their turnout.


In his remarks prior to unveiling the commemorative plaque Councillor MeGrath said: "I am extremely honoured to open this very fine complex for Strathclyde Fire Brigade and the regional council.
"Since the brigade was formed ten years ago the region's Police and Fire Committee has always been conscious of the need to develop facilities for the service.
"This need, in Cowcaddens, has most certainly been fulfilled.
"Throughout the past ten years the regional council, in its role as the fire authority, has endeavoured to provide the brigade and the community it serves with the best possible equipment and accommodation."


Councillor MeGrath went on to say that the replacement of old fire stations would remain a priority for the council in the future.
He also extended words of welcome to the Firemaster, attending his first official occasion since taking up his appointment, and SDO John Jameson who had just taken over as Divisional Commander.
After the dedication by the brigade chaplain, the Rev. Peter Houston, depute chief executive Mr Peter Howitt presented a visitor's book to the station on behalf of Mr Robert Calderwood, Chief Executive of the authority.
The station was also presented with a barometer by Mr R. C. P. Whitson of the main contractors, Melville, Dundas and Whitson Ltd.
See page three for Cowcaddens feature.
(Strathclyde Fireman No.29, July 1985. Page 1)



A special Strathclyde Fireman feature

With the official opening of Cowcaddens Fire Station and A Division headquarters, one era of fire service tradition has ended and another has begun
Many members of the brigade who have served at the North and Central fire stations talk with affection of the times and memories that the walls of those buildings hold.
The North was the older of the two. It was built in 1889 at a cost of only £7000, but even in those days costs were rising because only 11 years later the Central, although a much larger building, was opened at a cost of £62,700.


Both stations were built in the days when horses pulled fire appliances through the city's streets.
One "character" which very firmly links the old with the new is Wallace the fire dog who now has pride of place in the new building at Cowcaddens.
Most members of the brigade will know that away back in the days of horse-drawn appliances Wallace decided to adopt the firemen at the Central and call the station "home".
His story, which hangs above the showcase, is detailed in a framed parchment designed and created by Ldg Firemen Bill McGurk and John Reid of the graphics section at Brigade headquarters.


In the future the new station might find itself adopted by a similarly minded animal who felt more at home with firemen than anyone else.
Cowcaddens, to even the casual passer-by, is an impressive building and it was designed by the regional Department of Architectural and Related Services.
The appliance room faces Port Dundas Road and the "Sunday Post" building.
Facilities are excellent, but even in this most modern of fire stations, the appliance room is linked to the upper floor by the traditional "greasy" pole. Some things never change!
The headquarters part of the complex contains fire prevention offices, mess rooms, kitchen, conference room and staff and administrative offices.
The Divisional Commander, SDO John Jameson, told "Fireman'': "This building undoubtedly provides A Division with a first class headquarters complex which will serve the community for many years to come.


''Facilities for the officers, firemen and other staff are of a very high standard indeed and I feel that anyone touring the building would say that the £1.25 million cost has been money well spent."
Firemaster Clive Halliday paid tribute to the work of the region's Department of Architectural and Related Services during the construction stages and also said: "I would like to acknowledge the assistance and help of the members of the council who serve on the various committees that have a direct bearing on the work of the brigade.
"Without their support the changes that have taken place in the brigade since reorganisation would not have been possible."
<PHOTO> The opening day brochure cover. (Salvage Tender ,Turntable Ladder ,two water tenders)
<PHOTO> The platform party, pictured after the opening ceremony, are (from left to right): Mr R. C. P. Whitson, Mr Peter Howitt, Councillor Gerald McGrath, Councillor James Irvine, Firemaster Clive Halliday, Councillor William McGill and the Rev. Peter Houston.
(Strathclyde Fireman No.29, July 1985. Page 3)


I moved from A9 North on Sunday 8th July 1984, started duty at A9 at 10:00am and got the order to move ASAP. Last duty at A9 was to change the wheel on the appliance before we left. Night shift ripped the tyre, I had to replace it (offside rear).
Moved to Cowcaddens at 11:15 or so, I was the only one without a car, so I drove the appliance. Booked mobile as A093, closed at A1 as A093 that was the last message from A093............ booked mobile as A012 some 15 minutes later....... to a North Area call. So guess what I was lead, coz the guy's from the Central were somewhat lost in my area.
Pumps we had a A01 were two Fire Warriors, Magirus TTL (registration was NYS27F) and an old Salvage Tender, a remnant from the Salvage Corps.
Ian Miller was the SDO of ''A' Division at the time, he caused a lot of problems in the 'new' North as we referred to it, drove him crackers.
(Dave Gibson the last firefighter to leave A9 North.)


……a century later

Glasgow’s central fire division moved to new operational headquarters yesterday, after nearly a century at Ingram Street. The £1.75 million headquarters for A division at Cowcaddens will be made up of 88 firemen from the central and northern divisions.
(Glasgow Herald, Monday July 9, 1984. Page 3.)

Ingram Street firemen sign off

<PHOTO> Two firemen looking out of window and two firemen on Hydraulic Platform at Fire Station sign.
Sign of the times…….after 84 years of service the Central Fire Station in Glasgow has closed and it’s operations have been transferred to ‘A’ Division headquarters at Port Dundas Road. So yesterday it was time to remove the sign at the station in Ingram Street.
(Glasgow Herald, Wednesday July 25, 1984. Page 7.)



If you know of any mistakes in this or have any additional information please let me know.


MAIN INDEX                         1975 INDEX                         STRATHCLYDE INDEX                    SFRS WEST SDA STATIONS