1 Pump, 1 Aerial Ladder Platform, 1 Prime Mover Wholetime.


? to 1893 Camperdown Police Station.
1893 Maryhill, Burgh Buildings, Gairbraid Avenue, GLASGOW.                            Photo
1941 North West, 35 Kelbourne Street , GLASGOW.                                                Photo
24/11/1995 Maryhill, 775 Maryhill Road, GLASGOW. G20 7TL.                                         Photo




                                                                                             See Glasgow and Strathclyde Firemasters




1937 CGE756 Albion/J Kerr/drysdale P
1941 GGN806 Fordson 7V/Home Office ECU
1942 GLE749 Fordson Pet/Carr
1942 GLE932 Austin K4/Gwynne HU
? GLT782 Austin K2/Home Office (Ex ATV) ET
1943 GLW902 Fordson 6 wheeler CU
1944 GXN272 Fordson (ATV?) Van
1945 HXO282 Standard Van
1952 KGE45 Austin A40 GPL
1952 KGE317 Austin A40 GPL
1955 OGE162 Dennis F8/Dennis P
1961 471BGG Austin FFG Ho Carr
? 74CGD Leyland Firemaster/Cocker PE
1962 510EGE Austin FFG Ho Carr
1963 65KGA AEC Mercury/Haydon/Magirus TLP
1965 FYS84C AEC Mercury/Dennis/Metz TLP
1965 FYS879C AEC Mercury/Pyrene FoT/P
1968 PUS920F Deutz 150D/Fulton and Wylie/Magirus TLP
1968 RGD999G AEC Mercury 7/Bennett/Simon SS70 (Ergomatic cab) HPP
? PGB277F Deutz 150D/SMT/Magirus WrE
1978 YHS561S Dodge K1113/Fulton and Wylie WrL


  First Second Aerial 1 Aerial 2 Foam Tender Prime Mover
1975 PGB277F - RGD999G PUS920F FYS879C  
? YHS561S ? RGD999G   FYS879C  
1983 OGD80V OGD83V RGD999G   FYS879C  
1990 G531PGE G532PGE B870AGD      
1997 N825JSU N826JSU P752TSU      
2002 R944HYS R945HYS P752TSU      
2005 L717UGA L727UGA P752TSU      
2006 SF06GCK L727UGA P752TSU      
2007 SF06GCK SF07EKM P752TSU      
2008 SF08AFJ SF07EKM        
2013 SF08AFU SF07EKM        
2019 March SF08AFU SF10EHT        
23/4/2019 SF10EHT SF54RPZ SF66YJU      
2019 SF10EHT SF54RPZ SF18WUB      
2021 June SF69BHJ SY19BVB SF18WUB      
2021 October SF69BHJ SY19BVB SF18WUB     SY70AZT
4/9/2023 SF69BHJ   SF18WUB     SY70AZT

4/9/2023 Maryhill's 2nd appliance was removed as part of the budget cuts removing 2nd or 3rd appliances from 10 stations in Scotland.


FYS879C AEC Mercury/Bennet/Pyrene FoT
RGD999G AEC Mercury/JC Bennet/Simon SS70 HP
OGD80V Bedford KG/HCB Angus CSV/Fulton and Wylie WrL
OGD84V Bedford KG/HCB Angus CSV/Fulton and Wylie WrL
B870AGD Shelvoke & Drury WY/Simon SS263 HP
G531PGE Scania 93M/Fulton and Wylie WrL
G532PGE Scania 93M/Fulton and Wylie WrL
L717UGA Scania 93M-220/Emergency One WrL
L727UGA Scania 93M-220/Emergency One WrL
N825JSU Scania 93M-220/Emergency One WrL
N826JSU Scania 93M-220/Emergency One WrL
P752TSU Volvo FL10 6x4/Angloco/Bronto Skylift F32HDT ALP
R944HYS Scania 94D-220/Emergency One WrL
R945HYS Scania 94D-220/Emergency One WrL
SF54RPZ Scania 94D-260/Saxon RP
SF06GCK Scania P270/JDC RPL
SF07EKM Scania P270/JDC/Polybilt  (CAFS) RPL
SF08AFJ Scania P310 CP14 6x2 RS/JDC/Vema 282ARP   MKIII ARP
SF08AFU Scania P310 CP14 6x2 RS/JDC/Vema 282ARP   MKIII ARP
SF10EHT Scania P280/JDC/Polybilt RP
SF66YJU Volvo FM/Rosenbauer B32 ALP (RTC damaged)
SF18WUB Volvo FM/Rosenbauer B32 ALP
SY19BVB Scania P280/Emergency One (New Gen) RP
SF69BHJ Scania P280/Emergency One (New Gen) RP
SY70AZT Scania P410 6x4/Emergency One PM

Pods at Maryhill MDU (M1) SCO06, MDD SCO01.




1899 to 1941 Glasgow Fire Brigade
1941 to 1948 National Fire Service
1948 to 1975 Glasgow Fire Service
1975 to 2005 Strathclyde Fire Brigade
2005 to 2013 Strathclyde Fire and Rescue (Name change only.)
1/4/2013 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service


Establishment 1893

  Equipment Staff
  1 Steam Fire Engine 1 Station Foreman
  1 Hose & Ladder Carriage (Horse)  5 Men



Establishment 1968

  Equipment Wholetime
  1 Pump Escape 1 Divisional Officer II
  1 Major Pump 1 Divisional Officer III
  1 Turntable Ladder 1 Assistant Divisional Officer
  1 Foam Tender 3 Station Officers
  1 Recovery Vehicle 5 Sub Officers
    7 Leading Firemen
    60 Firemen


Establishment 1990





2 Water Tender Ladders

4 Station Officers


1 Hydraulic Platform

2 Sub Officers



12 Leading Firefighters



60 Firefighters


In the report of the Glasgow Fire Brigade 1890 there is no mention of a station at Maryhill, in 1891 there is a temporary station staffed by Auxiliaries with a Manual Fire Engine as is the case in 1892. In 1893 there is a station manned by a Station Foreman and five men with a Steam Fire Engine and a Hose and Ladder Carriage (horse), the 1893 Report also states that a new station has opened in Maryhill at Gairbraid Avenue since the last report.

The Fire Brigade vacated Camperdown Police Station. (Glasgow Council Minutes 1893). Camperdown Police Station was at the corner of Camperdown Street and Callander Street, parallel to Garscube Road.

The North West Fire Station was Officially Opened by the King and Queen in June 1942.

The station was used by Glasgow AFS personnel during the last six months of it's construction and fully manned on the formation of the NFS.

27th MAY, 1955

I has been decided to dispose of Maryhill Fire Station due to the fact that it has during the interval outlived its usefulness from a Fire Service point of view and the territory previously covered by this station is now shared by the North West Fire Station and Partick Fire Station respectively pending the erection of the new Fire Station at Knightswood which Fire Station, it is anticipated, will be commenced very shortly. New Fire Station sites have also been earmarked at Easterhouse and Castlemilk. In a great industrial City such as Glasgow with its ever increasing fire risk it is necessary to ensure that modern Fire Stations are sited with a view to ensuring that fire units are in position to reach, with the minimum of delay, any outbreak irrespective of what part of the City in which it may occur.
(Report of the Firemaster, City of Glasgow. 1955. Page 71.)

Since 1949 Maryhill had been listed as a Glasgow Fire Service Station with status of "At present closed".

In 1975 the North West was station C1 in the Glasgow Fire Service.

In 1995 the station name was changed from North West to Maryhill to better reflect the area the station covered. Maryhill was changed from T02 to B09.


The Official Opening of Maryhill Fire Station


Councillor James Jennings, JP

Chair ,Police and Fire Committee

Strathclyde Regional Council

24th November 1995



Firemaster John Jameson QFSM, AIFireE, CIMgt

Strathclyde Fire Brigade

Welcome to the official opening of Maryhill Fire Station.
It is more than half a century since the previous Maryhill Station was replaced by the North West and now events have come full circle. The North West was the last of the pre-war wholetime fire stations in Strathclyde and the new Maryhill will be the last built prior to the forthcoming local government reform.
Since the last local government re-organisation in 1975, Strathclyde Regional Council has built 25 new premises for the Brigade, replacing some that dated back to the previous century. The Brigade and, indeed, the people of Strathclyde owe a debt of gratitude to Strathclyde Regional Council for its commitment to the programme of replacement of obsolete fire stations.
Next year will see the formation of the new unitary authorities. Strathclyde Fire Brigade looks forward to working even more closely with the communities it serves and to enjoying as positive a relationship with the new Fire Board.


Order of proceedings


1100        Platform party and pre-ceremony guests assemble in hospitality room

1130        Guests assemble

1140        Non-platform party guests escorted to appliance room by Assistant Divisional Officer J. Hoey

1145        Platform party guests escorted to appliance room by Assistant Firemaster Stewart

Welcome and introduction of platform party - Councillor W. Timoney

Opening ceremony and unveiling of plaque - Councillor J. Jennings

Dedication by Reverend P. Houston, Brigade Chaplain

Convener’s remarks - Councillor W. Perry

Councillor Jennings presents visitors’ book to Firemaster

Firemaster’s closing remarks and presentation to Councillor Jennings

Councillor Timoney’s closing remarks

Buffet lunch and tour of building

Open day

Platform party:

Cllr W. Perry, JP, Convener, Strathclyde Regional Council; Cllr J. Jennings, JP, Chair, Police and Fire Committee, Strathclyde Regional Council; Cllr W. Timoney, Vice Chair, Police and Fire Committee; Firemaster J. Jameson, QFSM, AIFireE, CIMgt; Deputy Firemaster J. Coyle; Assistant Firemaster J. Stewart, Commander, Central Command; Reverend P. Houston, Brigade Chaplain.

North West fire station

The station was constructed during the period 1939-1940 and replaced the former Maryhill Fire Station situated at Gairbraid Avenue, Glasgow.
The station was used by Glasgow Auxiliary Fire Service personnel during the last months of its construction during 1940 and was fully manned on the formation of the National Fire Service in 1941. It was at the time of its construction, claimed to be one of the most modern fire stations in the United Kingdom with a full range of workshops, drive through 5-bay appliance room, spacious court yard with testing well, assembly and recreational facilities plus accommodation for thirty families of Firefighters. All this had been provided at a cost of £86,000.
In 1942 the station was honoured to receive King George and Queen Elizabeth for a visit during which personnel performed a number of exercises involving the appliances which were based there.
During 1947, the control of Fire Brigades was returned to local authorities and the North West station became a part of the Glasgow Fire Service. This continued until 1975 when the station, along with others, formed ‘A’ Division of Strathclyde Fire Brigade upon Regionalisation. 

<PHOTO> The frontage of the North West fire station on its 50th anniversary. (GXA797, G531PGE, KHS590)

During 1994, the station attended over 5,000 calls. This number of calls made the North West the second busiest station in the Strathclyde Region - quite a legacy for the New Maryhill Fire Station to inherit.

Maryhill fire station

Maryhill Fire Station is a result of Strathclyde Fire Brigade’s continuing policy of providing the highest level of service to the community it serves. The station is located in Maryhill Road, Glasgow, allowing easy access to the main traffic routes throughout its area. Also within a short distance are motorway access roads allowing the appliances direct routes to most parts of the city. The station is part of Central Command which covers the city of Glasgow and surrounding areas.
It has an establishment of eighty personnel and houses two Water Tender Ladders and a Hydraulic Platform. The personnel are split into four watches - red, blue, green and white, in order that all appliances are available for emergency calls twenty-four hours a day - seven days a week.
Based at this location, there are also a number of Community Firefighters. As the name suggests, these Firefighters speak to community organisations ranging from Rotary Groups to schools in a determined effort to get across the Fire Safety message.
The station is built on two levels and contains an appliance room, offices, breathing apparatus maintenance area, fitness room, lecture room and recreational facility.
The courtyard to the rear includes a training building which has a number of features which will allow our Firefighters to train in realistic situations This advance in practical training facilities combined with a programme of technical subjects will ensure that our Officers and Firefighters maintain the high standards or operational abilities the public rightly expects. In order to continue the Brigade’s energy saving programme, the station is also fitted with computerised control facilities to control heating and hot water supplies. The lighting system incorporates photo electric sensors which switch off lights if no movement is detected in the area.
As a result of the facilities mentioned above Maryhill Fire Station is, without doubt, a worthy successor to the North West and will continue to ensure that the people of Strathclyde, Maryhill and surrounding area continue to receive an efficient service from the personnel of Strathclyde Fire Brigade.

<PHOTO> Scania Water Tender Ladder          (M904DDS)
<PHOTO> 30m Arial Ladder Platform               (K377MYS)

Main Contractor      GA Construction
Project Architect     Mr. Graham Campbell, Architectural and Related Services, Strathclyde Regional Council

(None of the three photos mentioned above are on this site.)





If you know of any mistakes in this or have any additional information please let me know.


MAIN INDEX                         1975 INDEX                         STRATHCLYDE INDEX                    SFRS WEST SDA STATIONS