Mobile Volunteer Unit.


1988                      Wooden Hut, Side of Village Hall, Ellanbeich, Easdale                                        Photo

2012                      New Wooden Hut beside the New Village Hall, Ellanbeich, Easdale.                Photo

2021                      New Wooden Hut                                                                                                       Photo




13/7/1988 to 8/11/2002                    Volunteer Leader Jim Watson
Feb 2003 to                                       Volunteer Leader Ronnie Robinson (there 28/1/2025)



 2012                                                 SB51XLD        Ford Ranger 4x4

2016 December                                EU09AAF       Ford Ranger 4x4

2019 October                                   SN61EJY          Mitsubishi L200 4x4

2024 February                                 SF61LJZ           Toyota Hi-Lux/Truckman        VSU



1988 to 2005 Strathclyde Fire Brigade
2005 to 2013 Strathclyde Fire & Rescue (Name change only.)
1/4/2013 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service


The Ford Ranger is just used as vans to transport the Unit's equipment from the hut to the scene of the incident.


This Unit was commissioned in 1988 and equipment consisted of :-
Small Pump
Length of 3" suction and strainer
Standpipe, key and bar
Six lengths domestic hose
One branch
One length hose reel tubing
(From photo Aye Ready, Issue 5, Winter 1988, page 41.)

There were nine members, six males and three females.

When the new call signs were being implemented in the WEST SDA over a 7 week period beginning 31/8/2020 doing 1 LSO Area per week, Seil was changed from L77 to E81.

In 2021 Colintraive, Kererra, Salen and Isle of Seil all got new huts of the same design by Beaver Timber.



<PHOTO> Isle of Seil F77 Volunteer Unit Members with Firemaster Halliday S.D.O. Loban and Mr. W. Harley.

A small number of invited guests attended the commissioning of the Isle of Seil F77 Volunteer Unit. Among the guests was Mr. Harley, Chairman of the Police and Fire Committee. Carrying out the opening Mr. Harley said, “I’m sure this new volunteer unit will be welcomed by the community. While there will always be back-up from Oban Fire Station with Seil volunteers will be able to take care of most of the incidents likely to happen in the area. The regional council is delighted to be able to respond to the needs of the local people.”


James Watson (Leader)      Marine laboratory technician. Past President, Seil Community Council.
Anna Davidson.                 Actress by profession. Now engaged on various projects -croft/museum, painting,
boat refurbishing. Was heavily involved in National                                                 Trust for Scotland’s tenement museum project in Glasgow.
David Allsop.                 
      Self-employed building contractor.
Seamus Anderson.            
Andrew Connelly.                Marine laboratory engineer.
Morgan Connelly.                Part-time employee in Post Office.
Andrew Snowdon.               Self-employed engineer. Explosives expert.
Donald Campbell.
                PE teacher at Oban High School. Highland games competitor in heavy field events.
Marion Watson.                   Employed by DHSS (Wife of James Watson)
Mike MacKenzie                  Self Employed Building Contractor (not listed in 'Aye Ready')
(Aye Ready, Issue 5, Winter 1988. Page 41.)

Corrections from Seil Unit David Allsop should read Self-employed Road Transport Business and Mike McKenzie is a Self-employed Building Contractor (Name missing, in unit from start.).



The formation of a properly constituted Unit has been a long awaited event by the Community.
The decision was reached by Police and Fire Committee to proceed following submissions by the recently completed Fire Survey Research Project.
It is perhaps worth noting that Seil Volunteer Unit, designated F77 within the operational structure of ‘F’ Division, will bring the total number of such Units within the Brigade area to thirty one.
The area now covered by Seil Volunteers, which has a population of 514 (inclusive of Island and Easdale) is comparable with other such Units within Strathclyde e.g.

Volunteer Station. Population.

E51 - Leadhills                      283
D51 - Lochranza  
D52 - Blackwaterfoot           538
F51 - Lochgoilhead              444
F52 - Strachur      
F54 - Dalmally      
F67 - Carradale     
F72 - Ardfern       

The Seil Volunteer Unit will now provide “First Aid” firefighting cover in the Easdale, Seil, Kilninver, Armaddy areas of Argyll.
The Unit consists of ten volunteer firefighters, one of whom is appointed Leader. The volunteers, are drawn from members of the community who undertake to make themselves available for training on a regular basis and be prepared to turn out immediately in response to emergency calls.
Their basic training and indeed part of their continuation training will involve the Volunteer Unit working alongside their retained colleagues from Oban. This training will allow them to continue in an effective firefighting role when reinforced by the Oban personnel.
It is interesting to note that three ladies are members of the Unit. Although “lady firefighters” are quite a new innovation in the Fire Service it was long felt in rural situations, such as Seil, they could play a vital part in such an emergency organisation.
It is often the case that the women folk are in the majority during the day when most men in the village are at work elsewhere. In such circumstances it becomes apparent that having some of the ladies in the village take on the responsibilities of firefighting would be in everyone’s best interests. Such firefighters would also be in a position to provide the Unit with cover on a 24 hour basis which is very important.
The firefighting equipment is presently housed in the hut adjacent to the Easdale Village Hall which is a focal point in the community. The firefighting equipment, although basic, is considered to provide good “first strike” capability. It is easily transportable and can produce good firefighting water jets from very limited water supplies. This will no doubt be displayed during the proposed drills in the car park, following the commissioning of the Unit.
<PHOTO> Leadhills (E51) Volunteer Firefighters. (7 volunteers)
(Aye Ready, Issue 5, Winter 1988. Page 43.)


July 2003, Land has been acquired and the plans for a new Volunteer Garage have been granted. They are to start building next year.



If you know of any mistakes in this or have any additional information please let me know.



MAIN INDEX                         1975 INDEX                         STRATHCLYDE INDEX                    SFRS WEST SDA STATIONS