1 Pump Retained.


  Town Yard
? to 1995 East Port, NEW GALLOWAY (West Port?)                                           Photo
21/2/1996 Mill Isle, Newton Stewart Road, NEW GALLOWAY. DG7 3RT.         Photo

The Mill Isle station was occupied in December 1995.



1940s to 1960s Sub Officer John McQueen             Crew Photo
1970s to mid 1980s Sub Officer Ewart Muir
mid 1980s to mid 1990s Sub Officer Vic C McIntosh (There 1988 and 1996)
mid 1990s to 3/5/2022 Sub Officer John McGaw (Jake)
4/5/2022 to Watch Commander Scott Ferguson (there 313/2/2024)




Late 30's   Wolsey Car and Trailer Pump  
1968 LAG298F Bedford J4SZ3/HCB Angus WrT received new
1986 TSD404N Bedford TK Jag 4.2/HCB Angus WrT
1987 D195SSW Dodge G08/Excalibur CBK C/FRT
1999 E277WSW Dodge G08/Excalibur CBK/M&S C/FRT
2004 Y127WSM Volvo FL6H-220/Emergency One FRT
2020 August SF53GWA Volvo FL6H-220/Emergency One RP
2025 January KY65OLT Volvo FL/Emergency One RP




1941 to 1948 National Fire Service
1948 to 1975 South Western Area Fire Brigade
1975 to 2005 Dumfries and Galloway Fire Brigade
2005 to 31/3/2013 Dumfries and Galloway Fire and Rescue Service
1/4/2013 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service


Mill Isle occupied 22/12/1995, official opening 21/2/1996.

When the new call signs were being implemented in the WEST SDA over a 7 week period beginning 31/8/2020  doing 1 LSO Area per week, New Galloway was changed from B5 to H34.


The South Western Fire Area Administration Scheme Order, 1948

  Equipment Retained
  1 Large Trailer pump 1 Leading Fireman
  1 Light Trailer pump 9 Firemen
  1 Towing Vehicle  


The South Western Fire Area Administration Scheme Order, 1957

  Equipment Retained
  2 Pump Appliances 1 Sub Officer
    1 Leading Fireman
    8 Firemen



  Equipment Retained
  1 Water Tender Ladder 1 Sub Officer
    1 Leading Firefighter
    8 Firefighters



New Galloway is proud of its new fire station
by Peter Bedingfield

<PHOTOS> The new fire station is sited next to the A712 and has onsite training facilities which the former fire station in West Port lacked.
The team of retained firefighters at New Galloway with Sub Officer Vic Macintosh standing on the right.
The new fire stations communications system is explained to Jenny Russell by firefighter Mark Swain during the open night on February 13
During the opening night, which was well attended, this demonstration of the heavy duty cutting equipment by Murray Walker (left) and Eddie Miller is watched by Jamie Struthers and Colin Edgar.
New Galloway’s £300,000 fire station is officially open.
The custom-built station was opened yesterday by Mungo Bryson, regional councillor for Stewartry North, at a ceremony attended by regional council convenor Alan Baldwick, chief executive Ian Smith, members of regional, unitary, district and community councils and other guests from the local community.
Also present was Ken Cameron, chairman of the public protection committee and a former full-time fireman, who presented certificates of appreciation to local employers from New Galloway, Castle Douglas, Gatehouse of Fleet and Newton Stewart and Stranraer areas who have released employees for brigade duties over a period of 10 years or more.
The ceremony was followed by a tour of the premises and static displays.
The new station, which has been an operation since December last year, comprises a single fire appliance bay, muster bay, watchroom, lecture room, small kitchen, workshops and store and drying facilities.
Training facilities include a spacious drill yard with a drill tower, fire hydrant, foam practice area and soak away for water used during training.
The new station has a compliment of 10 retained firefighters who crew a fire and rescue tender.
Divisional Officer Bob McChristie said: “The new station is a big improvement over the old one, especially the on-site training facilities which we did not have previously.”
He added: “When you consider the fact that new station is likely to last for 50 years, £300,000 is not such a huge amount of money. It works out to about £6,000 a year.”
(The Galloway News, Thursday, February 22nd, 1996. Page 12)



If you know of any mistakes in this or have any additional information please let me know.


MAIN INDEX                         1975 INDEX                         DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY INDEX                    SFRS WEST SDA STATIONS