2 Pumps, 1 Water Rescue Unit, Retained.


1930/40's Queen Street, NEWTON STEWART.
1944 to 1966 Princess Avenue, NEWTON STEWART.
26/5/1966 Arthur Street, NEWTON STEWART. DG8 6DE.               Photo

Arthur Street operational February 1966, official opening 26/5/1966.



1960 Sub Officer W. McCreadie (Bill) (there in 1966)
1971 Sub Officer Donald McKie
1986 Station Officer W Marr
2010 Watch Manager Tom Howatson (there 2006)
2016 Watch Manager Roy McClymont ( there17/8/2023)


1930/40's   Ford Pilot and Trailer Pump  
1959 NCS443 Bedford J5SZ3/HCB WrT
1962 TCS749 Bedford J5SZ3/HCB WrT
1970 SAG984J Bedford TKEL/HCB Angus Type B WrT received new
1973 DAG332L Land Rover 108/SWAFB BA/RT


  First Second Support Unit L4V Water Rescue Unit
1980 NSM289R TCS749 WSM536V    
1992 B867LSW D197SSW WSM536V    
1998 K53TSM E682WSW L281VSW    
2001 K53TSM K54TSM L281VSW    
2006 SA06TYF SJ05GXF L281VSW SD53AEK  
2010 August SJ05GXF SF10GVU   SD53AEK  
2014 SF59CYT SF10GVU   PX13ODN  


TCS749 Bedford TK/HCB Angus WrT
NSM289R Dodge K850/Carmichael WrL
WSM536V Ford A0610/Angloco SU
B867LSW Dodge G13/Mountain Range WrL/ET
D197SSW Dodge G13/Alexander WrL
E682WSW Dodge G08/excalibur CBK C/FRT
K53TSM Scania 93M-210/Emergency One FRT
K54TSM Scania 93M-210/Emergency One FRT
L281VSW Renault B110 Turbo/DGFB ISU
SD53AEK Ford Ranger 4x4/Truckman L4V
FT-11 Ifor Williams 2 Axle/Anderson Decontam Unit
SF59CYT Scania P270/Emergency One FRT
SF10GVU Scania P270/Emergency One FFRT
PX13ODN Land Rover Safari L4V
SW65KSJ Mercedes Sprinter/Carmichael WRU

The Ford Ranger tows the Decontamination Trailer FT08.

The Land Rover tows the Eurocraft RIB

FFRT    Fire and Flood Rescue Tender



1941 to 1948 National Fire Service
1948 to 1975 South Western Area Fire Brigade
1975 to 2005 Dumfries and Galloway Fire Brigade
2005 to 31/3/2013 Dumfries and Galloway Fire and Rescue Service
1/4/2013 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service


Up until 1988 the Officer in Charge of a two pump retained station was a Station Officer. After 1988 anyone who became the Officer in Charge had the rank of Sub Officer.

1999        Station received a new pitched and tiled roof.

When the new call signs were being implemented in the WEST SDA over a 7 week period beginning 31/8/2020  doing 1 LSO Area per week, Newton Stewart was changed from B6 to H31.




<PHOTO> Crew lined up in front of appliance in front of station.
Newton Stewart’s new Fire Station in Arthur Street was officially opened on Thursday night when officials for the South Western Area attended. Pictured above at their new premises are the members of the twenty strong local Fire Brigade with their Station Fire Chief, Mr Bill McCreadie. Work on the new two pump station was started over a year ago, but it has been operational since February of this year. This is a well designed station, complete with hose tower which has a dual purpose; one section is used for drying off hoses while the firemen use the other part for training exercises.
(The Galloway Gazette, Saturday, May 28, 1966. Page 5)


Newton Stewart Fire Station Opened



The inauguration of Newton Stewart’s new Fire Station in Arthur Street took place on Thursday night when officials from the South Western Fire Area Joint Board were present along with representatives of Newton Stewart Town Council. The members of the twenty strong local Fire Brigade with their Station Officer, Mr Bill McCreadie, also attended.
The guests included Bailie James McCallie, Kilmarnock, chairman of the South Western Fire Area Joint Board; Mr Fraser Ballantyne, Divisional Officer, Ayr; Mr Philip Morrison, Deputy Firemaster from Headquarters, Ayr; Mr Fraser Wilson, Clerk of the Board, Ayr; Mr J Sutherland and Mr Ian Smith of Messrs Sutherland & Dickie, Architects, Dumfries. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr H. R. MacKay, Firemaster, Ayr, and H. M. Inspector Mr A. D. Wilson, Edinburgh.
Also present were Mr D. T. Wright, Auchleach, Ardwell, and Councillor A. N. Walker, Newton Stewart, County Council and Town Council representatives respectively on the South Western Fire Area Joint Board; Provost R. L. Paterson, Bailie J. C. Neil, Bailie A. Merrilees , Mr R McInnes Wilson, Joint Town Clerk, Newton Stewart, and Police Inspector R Blakley.


The Guests were first shown over the premises and expressed themselves as delighted with the new station. Work on the new two pump station was started over a year ago, but it has been operational since February this year. The station is manned by twenty part time retained personnel covering the Burghs of Newton Stewart and Wigtown, and generally an area of approximately eleven miles radius from Newton Stewart.
The station comprises three appliance bays, Control Room, Muster Room and Lecture Room for Firemen and the usual ancillary parts of the premises used for checking and repairing hose, breathing apparatus, etc. There is also a Utility Room for the washing of dirty uniforms and a Drying Room for the drying of clothing after fires. A spacious yard exists for the carrying out of drills and a 50ft. drill and hose drying tower which will be a great asset to the personnel in maintaining a high standard of training on the Station.
The construction of the engine room is concrete framed Bison with brick infilling and folding doors which ensure a speedy turn out of the appliances and return entry doors from the rear to enable the appliances to be washed down and replenished with dry hose under a 25ft. cantilever canopy.
The Administration sections of the building, adjacent to Arthur Street, are of traditional brick construction with flat bitumen covered roof and the internal walls are a mixture of granite stone, timber lined and painted plasterwork with tiles in the Ablution sections of the premises. Floors are, in the main, quarry tiles and wood blocks in the Watchroom and Lecture Room, with the Drill Yard surfaced mainly in bitumen.


The architects, Messrs Sutherland & Dickie of Dumfries, together with the contractors, have combined to present a most modern Fire Station of pleasing appearance and embodying all the internal features of a modern Fire Station, which will serve the area for many years to come.
Having made an inspection of the premises, the guests and members of the Fire Brigade assembled in the Lecture Room where Bailie McCallie spoke of the pleasure it gave them to be present that evening and called on Councillor A. N. Walker, Newton Stewart, to inaugurate the new Station.
Councillor Walker said that the new Station was a far cry from the old utility wartime building in Princes Avenue erected by Wholetime personnel of the National Fire Service in 1944, and which was latterly proving inadequate to meet the requirements of a one pump station let alone the increased responsibilities now relating to Newton Stewart in its capacity as a two pump station.
During the time of the National Fire Service from 1941 to 1948 a fire station was in commission in Wigtown, and although this was disbanded after the war due to the difficulties encountered with regard to recruitment and other considerations, the South Western Fire Area Joint Board had nevertheless had the fire safety interests of the residents of that part of Wigtownshire very much in mind. Since the war the district previously served by Wigtown Fire Station had been covered largely by the Newton Stewart unit of the Brigade, and after a comprehensive review of the position in 1962 it was decided that this arrangement should be continued


In addition, in view of the gradual development over the years and the increased fire cover commitments in the Newton Stewart area, it was also decided that Newton Stewart should be upgraded to a two pump station with a complement of twenty firemen instead of ten. He was pleased to say that one of the factors which weighed heavily in support of this decision was the proven efficiency and experience of this unit under the leadership of Station Officer McCreadie who has served continuously with that Brigade since 1940.
In all matters relating to the erection of that station it was his pleasure to record that the Board had the utmost consideration and assistance from the members and officials of the Newton Stewart Town Council. This has been greatly appreciated and was typical of the interest which the Town Council had always taken in the welfare of the Fire Brigade. The close proximity of the new Police Station was perhaps most appropriate, not, he would hasten to assure them, because of any misgivings with regard to the morals and behaviour of that smart and, he was sure, well disciplined body of firemen, but because of the close liaison and happy relation which the South Western Area Fire Brigade had always maintained with the Dumfries and Galloway Police.


That fine new three bay fire station with its modern fire appliances and equipment was one of the most up to date in the country. It was a credit to the architect and to all associated with its erection and he was confident that the experience, efficiency and enthusiasm of the members of that unit were such that the residents of that district of Wigtownshire and West Kirkcudbrightshire could rest assured of a very high standard of fire protection.
Provost R. L. Paterson, on behalf of Newton Stewart Town Council and district, said he would like to compliment the South Western Fire Area Joint Board on the magnificent building they had now got there and the fine body of men to man it. He knew most of them personally and he was quite sure they would be a credit to the Service. He thanked the Board for bringing it there and he hoped they would not have to use it too often.
Thereafter an excellent tea was served by members of the local Fire Brigade who were thanked by Bailie J. C. Neil.
Mr Fraser Wilson, Ayr, on behalf of the guests, said they had enjoyed coming down to Newton Stewart, and thanked Bailie McCallie for carrying out the duties of Chairman.
Baillie McCallie replied and conveyed to the Architects the Board’s appreciation of the magnificent job they had done.
(The Galloway Gazette, Saturday, June 4, 1966. Page 2)


NEWTON-STEWART - Subject to the approval of the Central Department it has been agreed to purchase a small area of ground adjoining the Fire Station. The old appliance room doors were no longer fit for service and have been replaced with folding doors.
(The Firemaster’s Annual Report for year ending 31/12/1958, Page 17)

NEWTON-STEWART - Four 2¾ k.w. electric storage heaters were installed.
(The Firemaster’s Annual Report for year ending 31/12/1959, Page 19)

NEWTON-STEWART - Approval was given to the acquisition of an area of ground adjacent to the Fire Station, and this is now being levelled to form an extension of the drill yard.
(The Firemaster’s Annual Report for year ending 31/12/1960, Page 20)

NEWTON-STEWART - The area which is to form the extension to the drill yard has now been levelled and will soon be ready for surfacing. This improvement in training facilities should contribute to greater efficiency.
(The Firemaster’s Annual Report for year ending 31/12/1961, Page 19)

NEWTON-STEWART - The modified fire cover arrangements for the County of Wigtown necessitate the maintenance of a two-pump retained station at Newton-Stewart, and negotiations are in hand with the County Planning Officer for the acquisition of a suitable site.
(The Firemaster’s Annual Report for year ending 31/12/1962, Page 16)

NEWTON-STEWART - Site difficulties have prolonged deliberations on the erection of a new two-pump station at Arthur Street, but these have now largely been overcome and approval for the proposed work is now awaited.
(The Firemaster’s Annual Report for year ending 31/12/1963, Page 18)

NEWTON-STEWART - Work on the new two-pump retained station is progressing satisfactorily.
(The Firemaster’s Annual Report for year ending 31/12/1964, Page 16)

NEWTON-STEWART - The new two-pump station at Arthur Street has only just been completed and is expected to become operational at an early date. This is a well designed station, complete with hose tower, and should lead to an improvement in the general standard of efficiency.
(The Firemaster’s Annual Report for year ending 31/12/1965, Page 18)

NEWTON-STEWART - This new two-pump station was officially inspected on Thursday, 26th May, 1966, by Bailie James Macaulay, Chairman of the Board, Councillor A. N. Walker and Mr. D. T. Wright, the Board representatives for Wigtown County Council, and Provost R. L. Paterson and other members of Newton Stewart Town Council. The Architect was represented at the ceremony together with Officials of the Board, Newton Stewart Town Council and Durnfries and Galloway Constabulary.
This modern attractive station includes a 3-bay appliance room and a spacious drill yard complete with a 50 ft. drill and hose drying tower.
(The Firemaster’s Annual Report for year ending 31/12/1966, Page 18)

NEWTON-STEWART - Most of the usual defects due to settlement of the building have been rectified, but a few complaints have yet to receive the attention of the contractors concerned.
(The Firemaster’s Annual Report for year ending 31/12/1967, Page 18)

NEWTON-STEWART - Remedial work has been approved to eliminate the percolation of rain water through the brick panels of the hose-drying tower. This work will be supervised by the Architect for the station, Messrs. Sutherland, Dickie and Partners, Dumfries.
(The Firemaster’s Annual Report for year ending 31/12/1968, Page 18)

NEWTON-STEWART - The hose drying tower has been treated externally for water percolation as recommended by the Architect and it is hoped this will prove satisfactory.
(The Firemaster’s Annual Report for year ending 31/12/1969, Page 17)

NEWTON-STEWART –Exterior painterwork was carried out by station personnel and electrical repairs by a local contractor.
(The Firemaster’s Annual Report for year ending 31/12/1971, Page 19)







The South Western Fire Area Administration Scheme Order, 1948

  Equipment Retained
  1 Large Trailer pump 1 Leading Fireman
  1 Light Trailer pump 9 Firemen
  1 Towing Vehicle  


The South Western Fire Area Administration Scheme Order, 1957

  Equipment Retained
  2 Pump Appliances 1 Sub Officer
    1 Leading Fireman
    8 Firemen



  Equipment Retained
  2 Water Tender Ladders 1 Sub Officer
  1 Other Specialist Vehicle 2 Leading Firefighters
    17 Firefighters



  Equipment Retained
  1 Water Tender Ladder 1 Watch Manager
  1 Fire and Flood Rescue Tender 3 Crew Managers
  1 Water Rescue Unit 16 Firefighters


If you know of any mistakes in this or have any additional information please let me know.


MAIN INDEX                         1975 INDEX                         DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY INDEX                    SFRS WEST SDA STATIONS