2 Pump Retained.
1879 to | Old Town Hall |
1948 to 1960 | Ashwood Drive, STRANRAER. |
22/9/1960 to | Lewis Street, STRANRAER. DG9 7AQ. Photo |
Lewis Street was occupied 19/7/1960 and Officially Opened on 22/9/1960. Ashwood Drive was vacated on 6/8/1960.
? to 1923 | Firemaster Henry McPeak |
1948 to 1966 | Station Officer Douglas McPeak |
? to 1990 | Station Officer John McL Herron |
1990 to ? | Sub Officer Andy McCrorie |
? to ? | Watch Manager Andy McCrorie |
2020 | Watch Manager Tony Reid (still there 24/6/2023) |
Station Officers were in charge of Retained stations but this was changed to Sub Officers in ?
? to 1938 | Manual Pump | ||
1938 to ? | Motor Pump | ||
1957 | KSD98 | Dennis F25/Dennis Type B | WrT received new |
1961 | RCS724 | 4x4 Redwing Land Rover 108 | HrT received new |
First | Second | |
1980 | OCS541H | TSD402N |
1984 | VSM823V | ESM821Y |
1985 | A954HSW | A955HSW |
1992 | A955HSW | B868LSW |
1998 | K54TSM | R431RSW |
2001 | R430RSW | R431RSW |
2012 | SK07EKY | R431RSW |
2014 | SF14KGG | R431RSW |
2016 | SF14KGG | SF53GWC |
2019 Aug | SF59CYU | SF14KGG |
OCS451H | Bedford TK/Sun Fire Engineering Company | |
TSD402N | Bedford TK Jag 4.2/HCB Angus | |
VSM823V | ||
ESM821Y | ||
A954HSW | Dodge G12c/Mountain Range | WrL |
A955HSW | Dodge G12c/Mountain Range | WrL |
B868LSW | Dodge G12c/Mountain Range | WrL |
K54TSM | Scania 93M-210/Emergency One | FRT |
R430RSW | Scania 94D-220/Emergency One | FRT |
R431RSW | Scania 94D-220/Emergency One | FRT |
SK07EKY | Volvo FM9/GB Fire/Magirus Multistar (ex Central Scotland FRS) | ART |
SF53GWC | Volvo FL6H-220/Emergency One | FRT |
SF14KGG | Scania P280/Emergency One | RP |
SF59CYU | Scania P270/Emergency One | RP |
1941 to 1948 | National Fire Service |
1948 to 1975 | South Western Area Fire Brigade |
1975 to 2005 | Dumfries and Galloway Fire Brigade |
2005 to 31/3/2013 | Dumfries and Galloway Fire and Rescue Service |
1/4/2013 | Scottish Fire and Rescue Service |
In 1938 Stranraer bought a Motor Pump to replace the Town's Manual.
The Lewis Street station was occupied on 19/7/1960 and officially opened on 22/9/1960.
Up until 1988 the Officer in Charge of a two pump retained station was a Station Officer. After 1988 anyone who became the Officer in Charge had the rank of Sub Officer. Station Officer John Herron was the last Retained Station Officer in Dumfries and Galloway Fire Brigade.
When the new call signs were being implemented in the WEST SDA over a 7 week period beginning 31/8/2020 doing 1 LSO Area per week, Stranraer was changed from B7 to H33.
The South Western Fire Area Administration Scheme Order, 1948
Equipment | Retained | |
2 Self propelled Pumps | 1 Company Officer | |
1 Large Trailer pump | 1 Section Leader | |
1 Light Trailer pump | 2 Leading Firemen | |
1 Towing Vehicle | 17 Firemen |
The South Western Fire Area Administration Scheme Order, 1957
Equipment Retained 4 Pump Appliances 1 Station Officer 1 Sub Officer 2 Leading Firemen 16 Firemen
Equipment Retained 2 Water Tender Ladders 1 Sub Officer 2 Leading Firefighters 17 Firefighters
Fire was always a hazard
in the town in the early days, but it was not until 1878 that the council
seriously considered setting up a voluntary brigade. In the following year
a suitable fire engine was obtained and stored in the Old Town Hall in
what had been the former exchange or market.
A raging fire in the Reformatory in 1878 found the hoses inadequate and
the water supply insufficient. Workshops were destroyed and the houses
opposite were threatened.
Among the first volunteers for the service was Mr Henry McPeak who gave
over 40 years’ service to the brigade as did his two sons, John and
Douglas, and the latter, like his father, became Officer in Charge of the
Stranraer Station.
Bellevilla House, then occupied by Peter McClean, Duchra, was burned,
fortunately not seriously in 1880, in a year of outbreaks which included a
warehouse in Bridge Street and Meikle’s Hotel in George Street, and
following a fire in a bakery in Castle Street, the firemen, a voluntary
body, started to practice. Considerable damage was done to Sheuchan Mill
and the Academy in 1894.
Additional hydrants and a four wheeled manual fire engine were purchased
in 1905. Mr Wm. Downie was appointed firemaster at a salary of £5 per
annum. The brigade was still accommodated in the store under the Old Town
Hall. A serious outbreak in 1913 in the King’s Arms Hotel, Stranraer,
tested the equipment which was found wanting and again a fire at the
Greenvale Laundry in Greenvale Street showed the inadequacy of the
preventative measures.
The council committee examined one of the places which had been burned and
another which had been so much damaged as to be a danger. The owner of the
damaged property, John Hood, was hard to convince so the committee gave
him “a few shillings so that he could get it sorted himself.”
A new convener, in 1928, elected to test the efficiency of the Brigade and
staged a practice in a house in West End. When the engine and apparatus
arrived, however, the men were so exhausted by the haul that the convener
decided the “fire” was out of control and suggested that the town and
county get together and purchase a mobile unit.
An unsuccessful attempt was made in 1937 to have the brigade housed in
more suitable premises but all that transpired was the purchase of a new
tender and in 1939 the two councils came to an agreement that the
Stranraer Brigade would attend outbreaks in the landward area of the Rhins
as well as in the town; this was not an agreement reached without some
dissentients. The brigade had moved to Ashwood Drive.
Subsequently more up to date equipment was purchased by the Joint Fire
Brigade Committee when, in 1957 all firefighting equipment came under
regions, though when the firemen moved to their new premises in Lewis
Street, formerly the old jail and police station, in 1960, they were still
a voluntary body.
(From History of Stranraer by Stranraer & Dist. Local History Trust. Pages 69 & 70.)
Fire Station Opened at Stranraer
On Site of Former Jail and Police
<PHOTO> Firemen giving an exhibition at the Drill Tower after the opening
Stranraer’s first permanent fire station was opened on Thursday by Mr David
McHarg, Kirkland, County Council representative on the South Western Fire Area
Joint Board. The station, built at a cost of £23,000, replaces the temporary
building erected by the National Fire Service at Ashwood Drive during the war.
Situated on the site of the old county jail and former police headquarters, the
premises are planned on the most modern lines.
During the official opening ceremony, which was attended by upwards of a hundred
people, a number of whom were connected with the Joint Fire Service district
which extends from the Kilmarnock headquarters through the counties of Ayr,
Dumfries, Kirkcudbright and Wigton, several references were made to the long
association of the McPeak family of Stranraer.
Provost W. S. Lanham, chairman of the board presided and welcomed the company,
among whom was Provost R. F. Caughie, Stranraer, to whom the chairman extended
good wishes for his future as civic chief.
Public Enemy Number Three
Provost Lanham said the interest shown in the new station augured well for its
future in Stranraer. Its provision marked another milestone in the history and
progress of the fire service in Scotland, and in particular, in the South-west
It was an important day for the people of the burgh for there was now in their
midst some of the latest fire fighting equipment, suitably housed and
efficiently manned which could effectively deal with any outbreak in the
Fire was public enemy number three. Crime and juvenile delinquency and the
measures taken to try and combat these evils were well known. The traffic
problem and the trials and tribulations of those who used the highways, were
matters with which everyone was conversant, but little in comparison was heard
of the terrible devastation caused by fire. Yet last year nearly a thousand
people died as a result of fire. Many more thousands were injured.
Damage to property in Great Britain amounted to £44,000,000, compared to
£29,000,000 in 1958 when a record figure was suffered. Already, for the first
quarter of this year, £20,000,000 worth of damage had been caused by fire. The
terrible waste of life was to be deplored and few could appreciate the suffering
of those who were injured by fire, or who lost their belongings or life savings
through the property destroyed.
Though no doubt, much of the £44,000,000,worth of damage caused was recoverable
from insurance, it was a fantastic loss to the national revenue.
War Time Changes
That was the background of the fire service. They would appreciate therefore the
importance of the task of bringing their fire fighting services up to date to
combat this evil. Prior to the last war there was operated in the country a
thousand different fire brigades under the control of a similar number of fire
authorities. Many of these were reliable and very efficient. During the period
of the war for the purposes of dealing with the unusual circumstances, the
Government took over complete control. They all recalled with pride the
contribution made to final victory by the National Fire Service. (Applause.)
After the war, the Government undertook to return to local authorities, the fire
service and set up various regions in the country to administer the service. One
of these was the South West Area Joint Board of which he had the honour to be
chairman. The looked after the matter of the fire extinguishment and prevention
in the counties of Ayr, Wigton, Dumfries and the Stewartry, and included the
three large burghs of Ayr, Kilmarnock and Dumfries. The board took over in 1948
and found there was a great deal to do and a great deal of money was to be
New premises were needed, up to date equipment had to be provided, and suitable
personnel had to be recruited. They had done their job to the best of their
ability and when they looked at the new station and the unit which would operate
it, he felt sure they would agree their forces were well disposed, well deployed
and well equipped, and capably manned. They felt they were able to cope with and
outbreak in the South West district
McPeak Family’s Service
He has been interested to read in the local newspaper recently the long history
of the fire service in Stranraer and particularly of the very fine service
rendered by the McPeak family. (Applause.) That service which was very much
appreciated was being carried on by Mr Douglas McPeak, their Station Officer and
his brother. (Applause.)
There might be a question in some minds of the necessity for such a station in
Stranraer where, after all, there were fortunately no big fires. But there had
been 66 calls on the Brigade during the last year, an average of more than one a
week, so there was a very real need for the fire service of outstanding quality
in their area. (Applause.)
As in many other spheres of modern life, prevention was better than cure, with
regard to fire. Fire was a preventable hazard – it was not an act of God. It was
caused in many cases through ignorance and in many others through neglect and
Members of the fire service were at their command to give advice on fire
prevention. That advice was open to all, particularly to the housewife, because
75 per cent of fires occurred in the home.
When they considered the opening ceremony of the new station, they had
unanimously agreed that the most suitable person to carry out that honour was Mr
David McHarg, their local representative. Mr McHarg had been a member of the
board since its inception and had given willingly of his time and advice and
experience and no one was more suited to carry out that function. (Applause.)
Universal Menace
Mr McHarg said during the course of human history fire had ranked as one of the
greatest destructive forces with which man had to contend. Not only was it a
universal menace today, threatening and destroying life and property alike, but
the nightmare possibility of hurricane fires in this atomic age could not be
overlooked or underestimated.
Each year the national fire loss figure continued to rise: they had heard the
astronomical total it had reached last year. Though the financial aspect of the
picture was serious, there was a worse side – the human aspect. The terrible
toll in Scotland each year, amounted to a hundred people. The suffering of those
rendered homeless could not even be imagined.
The members of the South Western Fire Area Joint Board appreciated the
responsibilities placed on them under the Fire Services Acts, to maintain an
efficient fire service for the protection of life and property in this part of
Scotland and they had embarked on an extensive programme for the replacement of
obsolete fire engines and equipment, and also for the provision of modern fire
The proportion of these things payable by Wigtonshire and the burghs in the
current year amounted to £12,166. After allowing for equalisation and general
grants, that was scaled down to about £3,600 which was equal to about 2/6 per
head of the population. Surely that was a very small sum for the protection they
were given by the firemen.
Credit to Board and County
The Joint Board would continue its efforts until the whole of the fire area was
adequately protected and equipped. There they saw a fine example of a modern
fire station, which, without doubt would be a credit to the Board and to the
county and one of which he was sure the local firemen too were very proud.
Before carrying out his official duty, he wished to pay tribute to the
architects, Messrs M. Purdon Smith and Partners, Dumfries, and to the building
contractors, Messrs Mackenzie and Partners, Stranraer for the high degree of
planning and workmanship disclosed by the new station and he would also take the
opportunity of thanking the Provost and Town Council for their collaboration and
help in the planning stages.
He could not forget the enormous amount of work carried out by the board’s
officials at every level and the preparatory work for this opening ceremony, by
the local voluntary fire brigade under Station Officer Douglas McPeak, whose
record it would be very difficult to beat in any part of the country.
In officially declaring the new station opened, he knew he was entrusting its
efficiency to one of the most capable and efficient part time crews in the
service, anywhere. (Applause.)
Plaque Unveiled
After a prayer of dedication by Rev. Russell Walker, Mr McHarg proceeded to the
control room and sounded the alarm bell to signify the station had been formally
brought into operation.
A commemorative plaque was unveiled by the chairman.
Mr A. F. C. Clark, Under Secretary of the Scottish Home Department,
congratulated the board on its enterprise in providing such a fine new station,
another proof of the manner in which it tackled its responsibilities under their
Firemaster, Mr Mackay. Stranraer had also to be congratulated in having a first
class up to date station which would add greatly to the resources of the Brigade
in dealing with local fires. They were now provided with a proper safeguard.
Their local unit under Mr McPeak had a high reputation for efficiency and
keenness and he was sure the new station would encourage them to go on from
strength to strength. (Applause.)
Mr J Richmond, vice chairman of the board, thanked the speakers, Mrs Howie for
the floral decorations, and Mrs Streight for providing excellent refreshments.
Before the company dispersed there was a display on the drill tower by the
fireman. Firemaster H. R. Mackay, O. B. E., gave a running commentary of what
was taking place. Many townspeople witnessed the display from the roadside.
There are eighteen firemen in the unit. The full complement is twenty.
The station is a three bay building occupying and area of 1,935 square yards and
designed to accommodate two first line appliances, one other vehicle and a part
time retained staff of twenty, in addition to auxiliary fire service personnel.
The service which it will provide will be of distinct advantage both to the
burgh and the adjoining country areas.
Features of the Station
In the official description of the new station, it is stated the appliance room
is constructed of pre-cast concrete frame, with cantilever pre-stressed roof
beams carrying pre-stressed concrete roof slabs, with asphalt covering. The
cantilever was formed so as to provide a large covered wash to the rear of the
station where vehicles can be hosed down under cover on return from fires prior
to entering the appliance room. The concrete frame has been faced externally
with a biscuit coloured facing brick and this treatment has also been applied to
the interior of the appliance room. The floor is finished in quarry tiles, with
terrazo infill panels and covered skirtings. Doors are of the folding type to
allow quick opening and all lighting in this section of the premises is of the
fluorescent type.
The administrative block is constructed of hollow cavity brickwork with the
outer skin built of biscuit coloured facing brick and a contemporary as well as
a sentimental aspect has been added by the provision of a stone built wall,
using stone from the old jail which previously occupied the site, between the
muster bay and the lecture and recreation room. The flooring throughout gives
the maximum wear with the minimum of upkeep and varies from adamantine tiles
with covered terrazo skirtings to Alamac wood blocks and Accatile.
Walls and ceilings are plastered throughout and the extensive use of bright and
cheerful colours has been employed to add interest to the general scheme.
Appliance Room
The appliance room, which is the principal feature of the fire station, can
accommodate three appliances and electrical fittings are provided to keep the
vehicle batteries fully charged and the engine warm under all conditions. Doors
front and rear in each engine bay give ready access for turn out to fires and
for exercising in the drill yard as the case may be. A hose reel, connected up
to the town’s mains, is provided to assist in cleaning operations and for
replenishing water tanks of the appliances on return from fires.
The control room is sited between the appliance room and the main entrance to
the station and the construction and layout gives an excellent view to the
attendant of the movement of all vehicles entering and leaving the building.
Sited in this room is the control panel for telephones, fire bells, lighting and
loudspeaker systems, etc., and this, together with the Alamac wood block floor
and general finishings, present a very pleasing appearance.
Lecture Room
Modern fire service training demands much technical instruction and a room is
provided primarily for lecture purposes. It will, however, also be used as a
club room where the firemen can meet socially at any time. There is also a well
laid out kitchen communicating with this room by a large serving hatch.
A hose room is provided adjacent to the appliance room so that, on return from
fires, an appliance can be quickly replenished with dry hose. The hose room is
also convenient to the station store and workshop where all repairs etc. to the
hose are carried out. A drying room fitted with electrical air warmer is also
provided for dealing with wet clothing or for finally drying off hose which has
been taken down from the drying tower in the yard.
A 50ft. drill tower with three working elevations is situated in a corner of the
drill yard to the rear. In addition to providing adequate drill facilities, the
tower will be used for drying up to 32 lengths of hose at any one time and
houses the electric siren on top for calling out firemen.
The project was first conceived in 1955, was begun in 1959 and has now, in just
over one year, been finally completed.
Valuable assistance was received from the Scottish Home Department, from the
Planning Authority and from the officials of Wigtown County Council and
Stranraer Town Council.
Mackenzie and Partners were the main contractors while plumbing and sanitation
work was carried through by S and M Davidson, Stranraer; painter work by Adam
Hannah, Innermessan; and the electrical installation by J. K. Cowden, Stranraer.
(Galloway Advertiser and Wigtownshire Free Press, Thursday, September 29, 1960.
Page 6.)
If you know of any mistakes in this or have any additional information please let me know.